Skywest Interview...?

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Quote: Almost all of amcnd’s posts are very one sided. Prejudiced entirely towards Skywest. Sad to see really, but it’s time to start realizing our value as pilots. He’s like a race horse with the blinders on the side of their head. He only sees Skywest, and he’s missing what’s happening in the rest of the industry

I Told the guy to go to TSA/PSA. Hes aking why to come to a West Coast airline (well mostly Midwest now). He should know his answer..:
For the interview you get a discount at the hotels they give you info for. I think my room was $60 after the discount. It would have been nice for them to pay for it, but I’m not that stressed out about it.

I’m in DEN right now going through training. The double occupancy during training isn't that bad over here. The hotel is nice, they cook you dinner a few times a week, breakfast every day, the rooms are clean and spacious. It’s almost like a small apartment. There is a living room and 2 separate bedrooms each with their own bathrooms. I enjoy having someone around to bounce questions off of.

The chief pilot came and talked to us a few days ago. He said he couldn’t say anything other than “we are very competitive and we tend to follow the competition”, hinting at the 175 going to ATL and even LGA. Who knows, I don’t really care for the east coast.

I also interviewed at Envoy. Envoys whole process was a mess. The people weren’t friendly, they were unorganized, the interview was a joke. I was there from 8-4pm and was only with the recruiters for maybe 25mins. At one point they left and we didn’t see one for an hour and a half...but they paid for everything.

SkyWest interview was much more in depth. I spent a lot of time studying and didn’t have any problems but the tech portion went into some detail. Very organized experience, the people were great, we had pilots coming by to introduce themselves almost every 10 minutes. I felt much more at home during the skw process, hence why I accepted this job offer and turned down 23k in bonuses from Envoy. Ouch.

Anyways, message me if you have any questions about the interview process. I have some good gouges.
Quote: I am applying to a number of airlines having retired from the military and wanting to start a new flying career.

I have looked at SkyWest, but I am not sure whether I should apply or not. Here are my concerns...

1. I live on the East coast and SkyWest doesn't really have any East coast hubs. The closest is ATL.

2. They don't pay for the hotel for the interview. As I live on the East coast, I would need two nights, which currently unemployed, is expensive for me.

3. To be frank, from what I have read their interview is much longer, more involved, and requires more prep.

4. Double occupancy during training? Really?

If I am waiting for a response from an East Coast based airline, is there any reason to apply to and interview with Skywest? I am not looking for a war, but rather am looking for genuine career guidance. For example, is Skywest a better airline to have on my resume than say PSA, TSA, or Piedmont? Any other considerations?

Thanks for the advice.
Any place but, SkyWest is not what it once was. Any regional looks the same on a resume.

And the double occupancy thing, they can't get enough rooms? Total BS!
We are adults, this isn't summer camp!
Quote: Any place but, SkyWest is not what it once was. Any regional looks the same on a resume.

And the double occupancy thing, they can't get enough rooms? Total BS!
We are adults, this isn't summer camp!
Call JB in training. She will tell you otherwise... one of the driving factors in opening DEN FSI training center was hotel availability and Travel to/from training...
I believe hotel space (at the desired price-point) is a problem but doubling people up isn't the right solution. Pay up or build yet another training center. This is a BIG company that is printing money right now, much of it on the back of the pilot group. Same thing with commuter hotels, someone was saying it would cost $6 million a year and that other smaller carriers see a fraction of the expense. Well, other carriers don't generate the $$ SKW does. It's all of scale.
Quote: Call JB in training. She will tell you otherwise... one of the driving factors in opening DEN FSI training center was hotel availability and Travel to/from training...
You are full of crap.

A student can get their own room, they just have to pay for it.

This all about money and the fact that SkyWest can still find ways to milk it from their employees. The DEN training center was just to help with United dedicated flight crews.

And yes I know miss JB very well.
Quote: You are full of crap.

A student can get their own room, they just have to pay for it.

This all about money and the fact that SkyWest can still find ways to milk it from their employees. The DEN training center was just to help with United dedicated flight crews.

And yes I know miss JB very well.
Yes “a” student.... or a few. If all 100 did. Poor JB would be stressed out trying to find 100 more rooms every 2 weeks... I was trying to help a guy get his own room out in ATL. Do to his roommate snoring really bad... they had to move him to another hotel. And he had to wait 2 days..
Quote: Yes “a” student.... or a few. If all 100 did. Poor JB would be stressed out trying to find 100 more rooms every 2 weeks... I was trying to help a guy get his own room out in ATL. Do to his roommate snoring really bad... they had to move him to another hotel. And he had to wait 2 days..
But the bottom line is it's money not logistics.

The above problem would not happen if they just planned on it in the first place.

Pure corporate greed!
Quote: But the bottom line is it's money not logistics.

The above problem would not happen if they just planned on it in the first place.

Pure corporate greed!
Agreed - pretty much every issue can be addressed with sufficient money and time.

But the company doesn't view it as a priority.

Making up some excuses about it doesn't serve anyone.

It is what it is here.
Quote: Yes “a” student.... or a few. If all 100 did. Poor JB would be stressed out trying to find 100 more rooms every 2 weeks... I was trying to help a guy get his own room out in ATL. Do to his roommate snoring really bad... they had to move him to another hotel. And he had to wait 2 days..
They do have other options. API for example would be happy to do it for a fee of course. Skywest is just trying to take as much as they can from you guys. My question to you is, why do you continue to defend some of these practices that Skywest does? Especially, this day in age. There are lots of companies that book lots of single rooms for training just fine. It’s time that you realize what you’re worth. You’re a professional
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