Future Predictions

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Quote: OK, so I understand you're trying to paint the worst case scenario. I have no idea what's going to happen, and can assure that you and others have no way of knowing either. Therefore, I'm not going to play the prophecy game with you. I'm puzzled, however, why you think the USA is going to be in better position than any other country by 2021. It's really puzzling to me how it's possible that we can't see how far behind every other country we have fallen (as far as the response to this crisis and a subsequent imminent recovery). Most of my family lives in Europe and I'm in touch with them all the time. Most of European countries reacted way faster than us and are in much better shape right now. They actually use the US situation as an example of mismanagement and failure. The numbers are pretty telling. We're definitely behind as far as the supply chains are concerned. It's beyond belief to my parents that we still can't find cleaning supplies or toilet paper in the stores. As I said, I have no intention to predict the future, but from what I'm seeing right now, we're by far in the worst position, at least compared to the EU.
You can’t find toilet paper and cleaning supplies because this country is filled with idiots. If you think our supply chain is at fault... I’d guess you have a lot of TP and cleaning supplies at your place
Quote: So my fellow Aviators, now that we all have some time on our hands...Let's all play a little game of future predictions on what everyone thinks will happen in the near/long term. I am by no means a 'Nostradamus' but so far my thoughts have matched reality to some extent. So, I guess I will begin with the following:

First Stimulus checks for folks and businesses April 2020-

Deteriorating conditions continue, people continue getting sick/dying

Second Stimulus checks for folks and businesses June/July 2020-

Coronavirus still here, therefore conditions dont improve, people suffer greatly, more "bread lines", desperate conditions..

Simultaneously during this entire time,many businesses shutting down permanently.

Crime skyrockets, tensions increase among nations, governments around the World continue to print money like never before.

Coronavirus deaths continue, no vaccine and we are nearing 2021. Dow less than 10,000.

By now many airlines on verge of filing chapter 11 followed by chapter 7 for some. Chaos everywhere.

2021 onward, I'd rather not say right now but the future IF there is one will be very bleak from every aspect of life. Oh and the government is the primary source for food, etc for the majority of the population because supply chains severely damaged and government takes over food supplies.

USA better off than any other country so that should help visualize how bad it must be for anyone else.

I'll let others chime in and if ya'll have any questions for me then feel free to ask. I totally believe that there is such a thing as 'Clairvoyance'...I really really hope that I am wrong. I really do because all this obviously affects myself and my family/friends as well. Let's keep it civilized and respectful for all. This can become a very interesting thread if we keep some form of sanity. Time will tell and good luck to all of us
Whats life like there in your doomsday shelter? You better stay in there. We’ll let ya know if/when it’s safe to come out. Hope your hepa filters don’t run out before the virus does. Moron.
Quote: OK, so I understand you're trying to paint the worst case scenario. I have no idea what's going to happen, and can assure that you and others have no way of knowing either. Therefore, I'm not going to play the prophecy game with you. I'm puzzled, however, why you think the USA is going to be in better position than any other country by 2021. It's really puzzling to me how it's possible that we can't see how far behind every other country we have fallen (as far as the response to this crisis and a subsequent imminent recovery). Most of my family lives in Europe and I'm in touch with them all the time. Most of European countries reacted way faster than us and are in much better shape right now. They actually use the US situation as an example of mismanagement and failure. The numbers are pretty telling. We're definitely behind as far as the supply chains are concerned. It's beyond belief to my parents that we still can't find cleaning supplies or toilet paper in the stores. As I said, I have no intention to predict the future, but from what I'm seeing right now, we're by far in the worst position, at least compared to the EU.

GMAB, Look at Italy & Spain.......... so tired of everyone constantly bashing the US........
How many people are dying from car accidents and heart attacks in the same timeframe. I have missed that in the news this past month?
Speaking of Fauci, let me add this one little tidbit to my timeline:

3/9 “If you are a healthy young person, there is no reason if you want to go on a cruise ship, go on a cruise ship,” Anthony Fauci, Director of NIAID said.

MOD INPUT: Lay off the partisan political comments and Jibes.

As to the OP, I think if the country was going to go off the rails a la Mad Max, it would have started by now. People have mentally adapted to the altered reality, and as long as the gov can keep the food, water, and power flowing society will survive, just like in other nations around the world.

I was just a teeny bit concerned when the TP hoarding started, God knows what people that stupid might end up doing.
Quote: How many people are dying from car accidents and heart attacks in the same timeframe. I have missed that in the news this past month?
Or malaria. Or breast cancer. Or texting covid memes while driving off a cliff. Doesn’t sell ads though.
Quote: I agree that Trump was unfairly accused of being racist during his attempts to enact travel bans.

This pandemic has been a very complicated and challenging situation. I blame democrats for accusing Trump of a racist travel ban, and I blame Republicans for refusing to listen to medical experts and now turning on Dr. Fauci.

Fox News spent considerable time and effort downplaying the danger, while liberal news initially accused Trump of being racist in his response to it.

Facui has served every president since Regan. He's an infectious disease expert, not a politic hack. Trump shouldn't fire him.
Wait... you mean Fox News spent considerable time and effort reporting the actual news as reported by tweets and statements from the concerned agencies? Ironically, it was Tucker Carlson who sounded the alarm over this.
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