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Quote: I’ve got a decision to make; go to JetBlue or stay at my regional captain job. With my current job soon paying money that I won’t see again till I’m in the left seat at JetBlue, not to mention the prospect of having to move or commute, I’m not sure it’s a clear decision.

The one thing that may tip the scale in JetBlues favor could be quality of life; and by quality of life I largely mean number of days off per month. Next month I’m scheduled for just 11 at my regional job.

How many days off does a reserve at JetBlue get? A junior lineholder? Is the grass really greener on the other side of the fence?
stay where u are so we can get paid more here please.
Quote: stay where u are so we can get paid more here please.
so is Jb in negotiations for a TA?
Quote: Go to Blue, if it's not for you it probably makes you more hireable to the big 3.

Short Call reserves get 13-14 days off a month. First day can't start before 10am
Long Call (14 hour callout) 12-13 days a month. First day can't start until 1400
how long to hold a line in NY on the 320?
Quote: how long to hold a line in NY on the 320?
Like…. 2 months.

In base the QOL here is great. The operation drives me nuts sometimes, but I enjoy the people I work with, and there’s a ton of chances to make some serious bank. Or just work your schedule and enjoy 16-17 days off a month. Commuting is another story, so seriously consider where you want to live. In base here crushes commuting for the big 4, IMO, but if you’re a commuter regardless… probably a different story.

To answer the original post: I’d never go back to a regional, even if it does pay more. My friends who are still at the regionals are getting brutalized. The grass really is WAY greener when it comes to how hard you’re working at a major vs. a regional.
Quote: I’ve got a decision to make; go to JetBlue or stay at my regional captain job. With my current job soon paying money that I won’t see again till I’m in the left seat at JetBlue, not to mention the prospect of having to move or commute, I’m not sure it’s a clear decision.

The one thing that may tip the scale in JetBlues favor could be quality of life; and by quality of life I largely mean number of days off per month. Next month I’m scheduled for just 11 at my regional job.

How many days off does a reserve at JetBlue get? A junior lineholder? Is the grass really greener on the other side of the fence?

What’s your end game? Staying a regional Captain usually doesn’t make sense long term for most people and situations. Sometimes it makes sense in the near term while waiting to transition to a legacy etc. but in most 5+ year time horizon a place like JetBlue will win hands down over a regional.
I go back and forth on the whole regional pay raises vs coming to B6 etc. I'm still new here and so far love the decision of coming to B6 even as a commuter. As others have said the operation can be a mess sometimes but even being on reserve as a commuter (got a line next month after 4 months of reserve 2 on short call and 2 on long call) is leaps and bounds better then being a line holder commuting to my regional. So many variables about whether they extend the pay rates at the regionals when they expire. The 401k here vs the regionals is leaps and bounds better. Recession could upturn everything. I was just always told get into the regionals and get out asap because at anytime everything can shut down and where would you rather be? A regional or a major when the music stops. Different strokes for different folks.
Quote: I’ve got a decision to make; go to JetBlue or stay at my regional captain job. With my current job soon paying money that I won’t see again till I’m in the left seat at JetBlue, not to mention the prospect of having to move or commute, I’m not sure it’s a clear decision.

The one thing that may tip the scale in JetBlues favor could be quality of life; and by quality of life I largely mean number of days off per month. Next month I’m scheduled for just 11 at my regional job.

How many days off does a reserve at JetBlue get? A junior lineholder? Is the grass really greener on the other side of the fence?
Another issue you may want to consider is the viability of the regional model. Regionals are starting to fail and yeah, right now their pilots are being scarfed up by other regionals - sometimes even with longevity (but not seniority) respected and Lord knows anyone wanting to be a DEC has their opportunities, but how long that’s sustainable is anyones guess. It may be a question of jumping in now while the movement is pretty good at the majors or being forced to jump in anyway later when - with a bevy of your regional brethren - a major regional goes under.
Quote: Another issue you may want to consider is the viability of the regional model. Regionals are starting to fail and yeah, right now their pilots are being scarfed up by other regionals - sometimes even with longevity (but not seniority) respected and Lord knows anyone wanting to be a DEC has their opportunities, but how long that’s sustainable is anyones guess. It may be a question of jumping in now while the movement is pretty good at the majors or being forced to jump in anyway later when - with a bevy of your regional brethren - a major regional goes under.
Totally agree, so many were burned (lifers) by the regional model, comair comes to mind but there are countless others.
I'm at Spirit, former Xjet. As all have said working at a major, any major, is light years better than any regional. Xjet was a good place to work and we had a lot of senior lifer captains. Look how that worked out.
Interested to hear how the QoL is on the E190 right now, mainly regarding commutability. I know it's changing a lot due to reducing the fleet etc., and I've read through all the threads a few times. Got a class date next month and I'm stoked! I'm stuck in my area for at least a couple years (the better half has a real job) so I'll be commuting from CMH for a couple years before ultimately moving to base. Was planning on bidding the 320 in class, but I've been thinking more about bidding the 190 and hanging out on that for the first few years while I'm commuting. We've got 20-24 daily flights to NYC (12-14 to JFK/LGA, thanks RPA) out of CMH, so in theory the commute shouldn't be totally miserable. Is there still a good amount of movement on the 190 with the reduced flying? Ideally I'd like to sit reserve as short as possible and my priority is holding commutable lines, regardless of fleet. Is the 190 a good choice, or should I just try and bid the 320? JFK is the priority for me, regardless of fleet.
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