LEC 22 (Blocks 2,5,7) -- VOTE NOW !!

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Quote: Thank you, and thanks to everyone who cast a vote. That was the nomination phase, and the top two vote-getters for each block will progress to the ELECTION phase. The election ballot will open at 9AM Memphis time on October 25 and will close at 9AM on November 10.

A last minute write-in candidate will stand beside the quasi-incumbent (he has been serving as the Block 7 Rep) for Block 5, so there will be two candidates for all three blocks in the election phase.

Only 15% of the council voted in the Nomination phase. We need to have a much higher turnout for the election. It's time to let The Company know we are wide awake and paying attention. It's super easy to vote, and it takes less than a minute. I'll post a link again once the voting opens.

I'd naturally prefer you vote for me, but if you don't want to, please vote for the other guy. Either way, the important thing is that you VOTE!

Interesting that WR has put out a message to be a write in candidate.

Looks like the deep state at the union wants to maintain control.

Go Tony!
Exactly what I was thinking. +1 for Tony
Quote: Interesting that WR has put out a message to be a write in candidate.

Looks like the deep state at the union wants to maintain control.

Go Tony!

So, the same individual that failed in his National bid is making a desperate play to stay in some kind of office that keeps him from flying the line? Or is it a different WR? I guess decades of avoiding actually being out on the line could make him a little scairt of it.

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Quote: Interesting that WR has put out a message to be a write in candidate.

Looks like the deep state at the union wants to maintain control.

Go Tony!

Wes is like a sticky booger you just can't flick away.

Poor Wes lost his coveted ALPA National gig and now feels the need to be a write in candidate? Sore loser or is it poor loser?

Not to worry, I am sure there is some ALPA committee he will weasel himself into after he loses this bid too and he can avoid the line once again all in the name of helping himself, oops I mean FedEx pilots.
wow a candidate who's platform is I've had all kinds of ALPA jobs for decades and I helped with what the negotiating team is doing and I think it's great....more of the same. I wonder how hard it was to get "never fly the line Wes" to agree to run for another ALPA job. He got voted out at national, he couldn't wait to try his luck back here. Go Away. He was one of the fellows early on, but the cushy job aspect was just too much for him to pass up. Stay on the ALPA gravy train as long as possible is his motto. LEC rep must be his next step to try and be MEC chair or company management.

I'll keep Tony. At least he has the best interests of all the pilots at heart.
It was sad to see most of the MEC Reps get involved in a single blocks voting, it seems to taint the whole thing to me.
Quote: wow a candidate who's platform is I've had all kinds of ALPA jobs for decades and I helped with what the negotiating team is doing and I think it's great....more of the same. I wonder how hard it was to get "never fly the line Wes" to agree to run for another ALPA job. He got voted out at national, he couldn't wait to try his luck back here. Go Away. He was one of the fellows early on, but the cushy job aspect was just too much for him to pass up. Stay on the ALPA gravy train as long as possible is his motto. LEC rep must be his next step to try and be MEC chair or company management.

I'll keep Tony. At least he has the best interests of all the pilots at heart.
I disagree with Tony on a lot of things but I still think he’s the better choice!
Quote: So, the same individual that failed in his National bid is making a desperate play to stay in some kind of office that keeps him from flying the line? Or is it a different WR? I guess decades of avoiding actually being out on the line could make him a little scairt of it.

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Same WR. Two things - you are incorrect that he doesn’t fly the line. Pull up his schedule - looks to me like he is a Captain on the 777and flies regularly. Second- You are correct that he has served this pilot group for quite some time. Block rep, MEC Officer, SPSC Chair, and National SPSC Chair (most recently - EVP).

Prior Marine aviator who served our Country.

He is a well seasoned union veteran that knows the challenges of various Negotiations with ALPA carriers and the SPSC tools used to bring to the fight. Having seen him work - he is dedicated to our pilots and a strong, unabashed unionist. He truly wants the best for all of us.

Seems like the perfect candidate at the right time.
Too Late?
I guess it was too late to run in the Midterm congressional elections like he did in the past. The guy is a professional at spending other peoples money.....I feel like my block is a second or third tier invite to the prom......Time for WR to go fly the line and live in relative obscurity.

Wes is like a sticky booger you just can't flick away.

Poor Wes lost his coveted ALPA National gig and now feels the need to be a write in candidate? Sore loser or is it poor loser?

Not to worry, I am sure there is some ALPA committee he will weasel himself into after he loses this bid too and he can avoid the line once again all in the name of helping himself, oops I mean FedEx pilots.
Have you ever spoken with him? He’s a fellow Marine and may disagree with your assessment of him.

I know you don’t appreciate facts- he didn’t lose his “gig”. He simply lost an election b/c United decided that they wanted the National 1st VP seat and had the horse power in votes. Wes still achieved more than 18K votes. Not bad considering FDX ALPA only carried about 5200.

But I digress.

He understands sacrifice and placing service before self. If you actually knew him, you wouldn’t be so critical. Your sanctimonious post lacks authenticity and is oddly fueled with envy and jealousy.

I know him and appreciate his efforts to improve the affairs of the union, and in particular, the FedEx pilots.

His number is in VIPs - perhaps you could talk with him before you assassinate his character.

PS: It doesn’t surprise me you pick your nose!

Semper Fi
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