MEC meeting in Las Vegas

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Quote: Why do mil guys still call each other by their callsign. Some of life’s mysteries. Neither of which matters.
Hah, FedEx caters to mil pilots, but we’re civilians so we it really should be dropped. Unless, of course, you support pronouns. In that case, I’ll happily address you by the pronoun assigned to you in the military.
MEC meeting in Las Vegas
Quote: I wonder if Mr DePete will continue to sign stuff as Capt after he’s done? Not sure why he has been using Capt since he’s been retired for years… after stating he wouldn’t retire as ALPA president.

Maybe guys still want to be called Capt after they retire?

State Champion HDawg.

That was out of the blue. I see ex-airline pilots being referred as Capt so and so (Ret). So not sure why you chose that as your beef with him. Your animosity is showing, which is probably purposeful.
Quote: That was out of the blue. I see ex-airline pilots being referred as Capt so and so (Ret). So not sure why you chose that as your beef with him. Your animosity is showing, which is probably purposeful.
No animosity, simply factual observations.
Quote: No animosity, simply factual observations.
Says a guy with a username HDawg..,..

pot meet kettle?
Quote: No animosity, simply factual observations.

Your post asked three rhetorical questions, not pointing out facts. Just own up to the animosity and state the real reason for it. That would at least make the conversation more interesting.
Well I finally talked to my rep and explained why not telling us the location and why not having Member at Large time dedicated on the agenda was a lost opportunity to invite the membership to participate.

I now know the place and there is finally a time on the agenda for Members at Large.

While I will keep the discussion private, I will say I was disappointed with some of it.

If you want to know where your MEC is meeting, ask your rep. If you want to go speak during Member at Large time, go get the agenda and show up. Https:// scroll down to the MEC knowledge base and drill down to the meeting agenda.

The attitude of the MEC is why most of the rest of the problems are happening. We have been forgotten by the people we elected to lead. No it is not an easy job, but they should have known that before they ran.
Quote: There has been numerous articles about the move due to the BOD not being able to hold the meeting due to “unforeseen circumstances” at the hotel in Florida. It didn’t say it was due to Hurricane Ian.

They also explained that it is now being held in Las Vegas. They also said, contact your representative if you wish to run for the FDX EVP job (you should rather than just whining on APC). I’m fairly certain you will get a reply - by the way, it was probably overkill to email “all of your reps”? You actually only have one Block Rep but three total elected representatives that make up your Local Council. Regardless, I’m sure you will get the details you need to make the trip to Vegas.

They are also posting for a new EA job to assist the MEC Chair - you should definitely apply for that as well. I’m sure he could use your help.

While you are there, drop in for the member at large and say hello. I’m sure they would love to see you as well.

The takeaway is you can exercise your rights regardless of location- FLL, LAS, or MEM!
Don't interject any factual information this is APC. Only present half truths and lies. Haha

As you stated all of this information has been published numerous times. It sounds like this individual just didn’t read it or purposely is forgetting it. It sounds like he is driving his own personal agenda and narrative.
Quote: No animosity, simply factual observations.
You sound jealous. Why? If someone is retired they keep the previous title they held. Same in the military and many other professional worlds.
I prefer to be called Maestro.
From now on, Magic Man and El Diablo

-Ricky Bobby "Talladega Nights"
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