Wilson Says - FDX ALPA New Regime meets NMB

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Quote: Don't forget to include the alternate means of submitting hotel receipts. You can't put a price tag on an improvement like that!

You too savage!!!!!!
Quote: Delete this thread and then retire, in that order
We’re in SERIOUS trouble.
Quote: Don't forget to include the alternate means of submitting hotel receipts. You can't put a price tag on an improvement like that!
Unfortunately, they tried to.
What a joyful group of people to be around. Your families must be so looking forward to having you around in retirement. Absolute misery to fly with in the meantime. Still *****ing and moaning because the vote didn't go your way months ago. Do something productive. Run for HOA Board. Go visit your kids. Start a non-profit. Instead of wallowing around in your underwear and lamenting what might have been if things went your way. Definition of a miserable toad.
Quote: What a joyful group of people to be around. Your families must be so looking forward to having you around in retirement. Absolute misery to fly with in the meantime. Still *****ing and moaning because the vote didn't go your way months ago. Do something productive. Run for HOA Board. Go visit your kids. Start a non-profit. Instead of wallowing around in your underwear and lamenting what might have been if things went your way. Definition of a miserable toad.

I highly doubt his kids want him to come visit. HOA board definitely seems more his style.
Quote: Wilson says - October 31st will be a glorious day. The new regime will have shown the NMB that they are now dealing with the A Team. Everything is ours for the taking. Get your Christmas list ready. 25 year Delta, United, & AA Captains will quit to be new hires at FedEx. We can expect a TA by New Years.

Meanwhile, the TonyTicker has been updated to include the APRP payments. If you think the APRP payment will just grow bigger the longer FedEx pilots delay, think again. The delay is on us now - day 77 - tick...tick...tick


Yeah...feeling similar.

We've got some new reps - one who is a notorious extra flyer during negotiations. And now this guy is going to lead Block 4? Please.

And we've got a group of guys that didn't bother to ask for a late agenda item to recall the MEC Chairman but instead decided to do it over the phone. Ever seen a good productive meeting virtual? They don't exist. You've got to be in the room together. This may be the worst example of leadership ever seen from Cutler and crowd. Surprised the C&BL even allows it.
Quote: Can you also do one to show how much retirement improvement our 300 brothers and sisters would have had (300 being those retired since amenable date but before May 29th)? That number 300 grows to above 500 by end of 2024 and 700 by end of 2025.

Thanks for raising this issue, I look forward to your ticker updates for ALL of us.
Here's a hint - there will be "retirement to amendable date" change in the next TA. There's a reason why none of the winning candidates even mentioned it in their platforms. What's worse is now the guys who would have been captured under TA1 will also be lost. I would expect a TA sometime in 12-24 months and it will ONLY include retirement changes to those from the TA date.
Help me out here - has anyone in history of Christendom gotten retro retirement benefits? Honestly I don't know.
Quote: Help me out here - has anyone in history of Christendom gotten retro retirement benefits? Honestly I don't know.
UA, DL, and SWA all got it on their last few contracts
Quote: Here's a hint - there will be "retirement to amendable date" change in the next TA. There's a reason why none of the winning candidates even mentioned it in their platforms. What's worse is now the guys who would have been captured under TA1 will also be lost. I would expect a TA sometime in 12-24 months and it will ONLY include retirement changes to those from the TA date.
Not quite true. Block 5 winner has “NOLB” No One Left Behind since amendable date in his letter. Really good guy too.

Hopefully AD wins block 7 as his vast prior union (outside FEDEX) experience would be a huge benefit to us all.
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