well, our jobs suck, but it could be worse

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...my favorite part is when that dude crawls across the table and pummels the idiot that's throwing spitballs (or whatever) at him. Now THAT'S hilarious...and to think of it, I didn't really think that stuff like that actually happens...
There was a captain at Mesa years ago that got into a full on fistfight with a ramper in PHX right there on the ramp. The ramper won.
Quote: the part where the guy beats the living s%$* out his laptop then tosses it against the wall only to have his co worker toss it back at him is priceless.

That one is awesome! I also like the one where the old gets hit with the paper airplanes, then just tosses his monitor into the next cubicle. Then just non-chalantly keeps typing away as another worker walks by.
Quote: At least they are making a living and come home everyday unlike poverty striken FO`s
An entry level Recruiter in Louisville, KY (with a college degree) makes as much as a first year FO and she/he might get a 3% raise after their first year. It will take them several years to make more than $40K with commissions (recruiters top out in the industry around $65-$70K nationwide) and a receptionist at that same company will make $20-$22K with the HOPES of one day topping $30K. I know because my wife ran an HR Staffing company in SDF before we relocated to PHX. Everyone at that company works 50+ hr weeks while my wife was working 60+ and only making $50K. Today she’s with a different company making twice that but with four times the responsibility and stress all while still working 60+ hour weeks. She’ll end up a VP of HR soon but at what price? 60+ hour weeks filled with stress. Yes she gets weekends and weeknight’s at home but her mind is always on her job, constantly thinking about tomorrow. No thanks, I average 16 days off while only spending about 5 evenings away from home with NO STRESS and I’m never thinking about my next day of work, when I am it’s because I had 7 days off in a row and I’m itching to fly.

I spent 5 years in the business world working 60+ hours weeks and yes I made twice what I made my first year in the airlines but by my second year I was making my previous salary plus commissions. I’m much happier today!

I made $28,500 my first year, $52K my second and I'm expecting around $70K+ my third. Not that that's great but it will continue to increase.

My brother in-law runs Humana's printing department, which it took him 5 years to be promoted to after completing college and he makes $48K. My sister is a Systems Analysis for Humana; she spends 50+ hour weeks in a cubical and makes $60K after 8 years of service.

You can have those jobs, enjoy! BTW, almost all entry level jobs suck and pay very little. That's why their entry level!

PS. All the above jobs are in Louisville, KY; different markets pay different rates. But to compensate for the lower wages than say PHX, the cost of living is MUCH cheaper in SDF than PHX. Trust me I’ve lived in both cities.
Quote: http://glumbert.com/wii/view.php?name=baddayoffice

just be glad we don't get to this point on a regular day @ the office
Beautiful! I feel their pain.
Quote: An entry level Recruiter in Louisville, KY (with a college degree) makes as much as a first year FO and she/he might get a 3% raise after their first year. It will take them several years to make more than $40K with commissions and a receptionist at that same company will make $20-$22K with the HOPES of one day topping $30K. I know because my wife ran an HR Staffing company in SDF before we relocated to PHX. Everyone at that company works 50+ hr weeks while my wife was working 60+ and only making $50K. Today she’s with a different company making twice that but with four times the responsibility and stress all while still working 60+ hour weeks. She’ll end up a VP of HR soon but at what price? 60+ hour weeks filled with stress. Yes she gets weekends and weeknight’s at home but her mind is always on her job, constantly thinking about tomorrow. No thanks, I average 16 days off while only spending about 5 evenings away from home with NO STRESS and I’m never thinking about my next day of work, when I am it’s because I had 7 days off in a row and I’m itching to fly.

I spent 5 years in the business world working 60+ hours weeks and yes I made twice what I made my first year in the airlines but by my second year I was making my previous salary plus commissions. I’m much happier today!

I made $28,500 my first year, $52K my second and I'm expecting around $70+ my third. Not that that's great but it will continue to increase.

My brother in-law runs Humana's printing department, which it took him 5 years to be promoted to after completing college and he makes $48K. My sister is a Systems Analysis for Humana; she spends 50+ hour weeks in a cubical and makes $60K after 8 years of service.

You can have those jobs, enjoy! BTW, almost all entry level jobs suck and pay very little. That's you their entry level!

PS. All the above jobs are in Louisville, KY; different markets pay different rates. But to compensate for the lower wages than say PHX, the cost in living is MUCH cheaper in SDF than PHX. Trust me I’ve lived in both places.

Another case of the grass appearing greener on the other side. Can't agree with you more JetJock. If they want, they can always be a ramprat......
Quote: There was a captain at Mesa years ago that got into a full on fistfight with a ramper in PHX right there on the ramp. The ramper won.
Shoot, we had a notoriously hard-nosed FA deck a ramper. The FA won.
Quote: Shoot, we had a notoriously hard-nosed FA deck a ramper. The FA won.
Quote: At least they are making a living and come home everyday unlike poverty striken FO`s
To each his own, if you think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence by all means jump.
Quote: hahaha, you obviously have never had an office job....
I did!
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