ICrew and IPhone working? (DAL)

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There is a firmware update that is planned to be out in June or July. According to the tech guys I have talked to it should at that time have full functionality with our interface.
I have an I-phone and cannot get it to work on these two applications. He also stated that Firefox is going to be offering an I-phone browser in the not to distant future.
Quote: iCrew does not work with Safari completely yet. It does work with Firefox. I don't have an iPhone but I think you are limited to Safari as your only web browser.
Ah, it's more like the iPhone doesn't work with icrew not the other way around. The problem is with Safari not being Java enabled I believe.

I use a Windows Mobile device and have no issues with either Opera Mobile or Internet Explorer Mobile. Can't you download a third party browser?

Love my Windows Mobile but very jealous of you iPhone display.
Quote: There is a firmware update that is planned to be out in June or July. According to the tech guys I have talked to it should at that time have full functionality with our interface.
I have an I-phone and cannot get it to work on these two applications. He also stated that Firefox is going to be offering an I-phone browser in the not to distant future.
Thanks for brilliant info ACL. I will await the swap.
FWIW, I have a Sprint Instinct which works well with DLNet and Travelnet. Icrew/Ecrew not so much. Although for international use, you're SOL.
Quote: There is a firmware update that is planned to be out in June or July. According to the tech guys I have talked to it should at that time have full functionality with our interface.
I have an I-phone and cannot get it to work on these two applications. He also stated that Firefox is going to be offering an I-phone browser in the not to distant future.
Firefox and Opera have browser's that could easily be ported over to Iphone, the hang up is with Apple not allowing it to be released. They want to "control the experience" and don't want to allow any third party browsers.
Quote: Firefox and Opera have browser's that could easily be ported over to Iphone, the hang up is with Apple not allowing it to be released. They want to "control the experience" and don't want to allow any third party browsers.

I know. From what the Tech guy told me they will release some of these this summer. He generally is spot on, so I am hopeful.
Re iphone working with icrew

If you download JOURNEY from the app store its 1 or 2 dollars

you can use icrew fully....

to use after download, open journey tap 3 fingers all together on the screen and you will get a setting screen!

under advanced it says "pretend to be" select that then firefox 3

exit out reset phone by completely turning off bring up and check settings,

if firefox 3 is there you should be good to go! I love journey

good luck
Quote: Firefox and Opera have browser's that could easily be ported over to Iphone, the hang up is with Apple not allowing it to be released. They want to "control the experience" and don't want to allow any third party browsers.
Opera is available for the iPhone and has been for some time - Opera Approved for iTunes store
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