Favorite Beer

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Coors Original for domestic.... too many imports to list.
its german, i believe its the popular beer at oktoberfest, but i could be wrong
good ole PBR ruling the college campuses... Bud Heavies are my choice however
I miss college. Where else can you wake up in the morning to a Keg of yuengling in your shower
Lagers - Yak! I mean Yak! It brings to mind the flavors of [what I imagine] licking a public pay phone, soap, really bad sake, rotten Sprite, fermented Robitussin, and "decay all rolled into one sickening burst of flavor would be like. Nope, I don't like Lager.

For me, I like Ales and a good IPA in particular. Those who transit Anchorage can vouch for this, but I think some of the best beer on the planet comes out of the Moose's Tooth brewery. They have a wall of medals from the GABF going some years back. Plus, where else can eat great pizza, drink good beer and hang with world class climbers going for the next big push in the remote areas of Alaska....but I digress.

OK, put me down for a Mooses Tooth Fairweather IPA.
Partial to New Belgium brews myself. They're good, and the local distributor has helped a number of local bike shops through free promotional goods and whatnot. Their summer specialty brew, aptly named "Skinnydip" is pretty good. I'm not usually much for lagers but this stuff is good.
The good taste of a hefeweisse, particularly Franziskaner from Munich
I grew up in northwestern Alaska so we drank whatever was available there, usually "Oly" ("It's the water!"). In my younger days at the regionals I appreciated cheap; in the midwest it was Leinie's or Blatz, when I moved back out west Henry's was a pretty good deal. The microbrew "renaissance" has really changed my tastes, though (and blown up my budget). I agree with HSLD, I like a good IPA. I'm living in Wisconsin now, my favorite breweries here are New Glarus and Sprechers. They both turn out great, hoppy IPA's. Sprechers is sold in pint bottles (as it should be!) and their "Pub Ale" and "Abbey Triple" are also great. Point Beer from Stevens Point, WI is pretty good stuff for a decent price. It's a local favorite, especially on campus.
If any of you guys ever fly into MHT (Manchester, NH), might I suggest a bar called 'Strange Brew'. The supposedly have the largest selection of draft beer in the area, and they have specials 2 nights a week for $2 draft pints. Way too many to list, but I like the Harpoon UFO.

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