Bedford assesses Southwest's bid for Frontier

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Republic never planned to hold onto Frontier. They were just scooping up an undervalued company. They are going to be sold to someone, SWA or not.
Not to my understanding. FWIW I was told that Republic wanted to link Midwest, Frontier, and their Hawaiian operation. I am guessing that it would be named one airline in the future with alot of hiring to come. From what I have seen Bedford grows everything he touches. He reminds me of a Richard Branson type of thinker. I wish all of you the best however it turns out.
Quote: Southwest has all of those Texas politicians bought and paid for. You don't think they have their ducks and pols line up for this? You see how well they "grease" ATC? You don't think the DEN constituents WANT SWA increased service out of there?
It's not a state issue. It's federal.
Quote: Yet CO and UA just got antitrust immunity. I don't think they'd have much of a case considering that F9 and WN overlap on a lot of routes out of Denver. What WN will most likely do is scale some of that flying back where it makes sense. If they were taking over an airline that covered all the routes they didn't, then I could see it being a monopoly issue.
It's hard to say if route overlap is as important as some may think. It's more of an anti-competitition issue than route structure. Personally, I'm all for captialism and don't understand many of the federal court's decisions and reasoning.
Quote: I did think about it, and there is a world of difference.

Sure: if I was flying at night in the weather, with one on fire, my survival instinct would be as strong when flying a hundred boxes as a hundred people. It would be poor professional judgment for me to think about passengers (or boxes) in this case anyway, and I would focus on the landing. HOWEVER, as soon as I got the thing on the ground, I would certainly be 100% focused on making sure everyone walks away, passengers, crew, and me.

Wouldn't you?

There are other difference between us and Bedford... We wouldn't say that watching another crew landing at night in the weather with one on fire is "fun". If they failed, we would't go to the crash site and take the wallets off the victims, or pilfer the cargo.
OK... let me make it a bit less extreme. Do you EVER think about the people in the back when you are landing an airplane on a calm VMC day? I don't. Oh maybe in a fleeting thought, but not really all that much. I'm busy doing what I am being paid to do. As far as him pilfering wallets and the such.. and I am not defending him per se.. but he is in management. His responsibility is to the investors. Not to you. You are in seat 36B.. This is where I feel that our unions.. not just ALPA.. have failed us so miserably. It's just business. We need to be properly compensated for the job we do, and we aren't.
Quote: Not to my understanding. FWIW I was told that Republic wanted to link Midwest, Frontier, and their Hawaiian operation. I am guessing that it would be named one airline in the future with alot of hiring to come. From what I have seen Bedford grows everything he touches. He reminds me of a Richard Branson type of thinker. I wish all of you the best however it turns out.
I think that is inaccurate.
Ok here's a new way of looking at this. There is blood in the water. Midwest has been bleeding for sometime now and everyone is now itching to get what little market they had left in mke. Airtran, soutwest, delta all have ramped up service in mke. So now republic owns Midwest and is putting down money on frontier. So southwest sees an opportunity to hammer on them some more. Get republic to bid higher on frontier so now they don't have that money to build Midwest. Possible?
Either way let republic burn!!!
Quote: OK... let me make it a bit less extreme. Do you EVER think about the people in the back when you are landing an airplane on a calm VMC day? I don't. Oh maybe in a fleeting thought, but not really all that much. I'm busy doing what I am being paid to do.

Aren't you being paid to take care of people? I am. It's the top 2 priorities in our FOM.
When you deviate to avoid a TS at altitude it's not because the airplane can't take the turbulence, it's because the people can't.

Also, I understand the anti-competition argument, but haven't seen many deals quashed for this reason. From Exxon-Mobil to any huge airline merger, to Telcos, it just doesn't happen these days.
Quote: Either way let republic burn!!!
It's like a witch hunt with some of you people. Thanks for the support...

Whatever ends up happening, I don't blame Bedford for our lack of pay. I hate to break it to all you self centered pilots out there but people aren't just gonna give you something unless you demand it. You can say that Bedford is evil but why is he gonna pay our pilot group more than we are demanding? It isn't "evil" management, they are gonna do what ever they can to save a couple bucks, last I checked thats what they do. Its up to us to force them to pay us a respected wage and we realize that isn't happening right now and I don't think its just at RAH where management is "winning" this battle.

Its also kinda ironic that a couple decades ago SWA was the "bottom feeder" of the industry and those pilots joined together to create one of the best places to work. Now RAH is in a similar situation and everyone wants to point fingers and blame RAH pilots. Who knows if this will all work for RAH, the chances are pretty slim, but if it does maybe someday RAH will be one of the "great" places to work. Im sure none of the old school legacy guys every thought SWA would turn out to be anything either. Everyone needs to realize that we at RAH know that our contract/pay sucks, but you can't just fix it over night. Everyone I have talked to here realizes that what has happened over the last few months changes everything. Don't hate the player, hate the game.

Good luck to everyone involved... Unlike some of the other wise minds of APC I don't want to see anyone else lose their jobs.
Quote: Not to my understanding. FWIW I was told that Republic wanted to link Midwest, Frontier, and their Hawaiian operation. I am guessing that it would be named one airline in the future with alot of hiring to come. From what I have seen Bedford grows everything he touches. He reminds me of a Richard Branson type of thinker. I wish all of you the best however it turns out.
He sure seems to be growing Midwest.
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