CHQ gets 44 ERJ's!

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Quote: what happens with X-jet. Furloughing??
Nothing yet, but watch and learn. First management will go to all of the majors and tell them they have 69 RJs that are really, cheap. Once they get a home for them they will go back to the pilots and say all of you FOs will be captains in less than two years if you give concessions. If not, half the list will be furloughed or displaced. You decide...20% cut or furlough. Vote yes and you will get a 50% raise as a Captain with improved non-rev benefits and lots of 121 PIC Jet time. You have to be market rate, competetive. Seen it so many times.

And the bs industry continues
Not to burst anyone's bubble here, but at the very least 20 of those jets will come from our current fleet of US Airways 145's and will be repainted. We are getting 30 EMB-175's for Airways starting next year and that's where the real growth will come from. However, I also suspect that Delta and United will want to get rid of some of their 145's as well. So, what will the net growth be? No one knows just yet. U and D will probably be looking for more 170's soon as well. All I know is that Embraer isn't making any more 145's and I suspect most of our Continental birds will just be repainted birds from our current fleet. However, there is also a rumor that we will be picking up CRJs that were X Independence planes... doesn't really match our current management strategy though.
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