MSFS X vs Xplane

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Quote: Hi just wondering what u guys thought as I'll be purchasing one of the two in the next few days. I'll be running it on a samsung i5 w 4gigs of ddr3 and I think it's a 1gig dedicated graphics card(?) with 500 gig hard drive I could be wrong about the graphics card. I know u need a pretty fast machine and I have read x plane runs better on slower machines. Also I have read plane has better scenery modeling and a better physics model. I'll be mostly using this to stay sharp on instrument approaches by flying stars approaches And departures. But it would be nice to fly around in a sr71 sipping java in my living room. :-)
Thanks in qdvanxe

I use X-Plane for procedural and scanning purposes exclusively and have found it sufficient. I prefer it over MSFS.

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