Cant switch to another flight instructor job?

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Quote: Ditto that. Dirtbag operators like this need to be exposed and shown for exactly who and what they are. Please, for everyone's sake post the name and location of this weasel. If you don't want to do it publicly, private mail me and I'll post it.

There is no excuse for this sort of thing (although I do wonder what in the world you were thinking when you foolishly agreed to any such thing).

I agree, but also need to see the wording of the non-compete. Although non-competes may be enforceable, this one may not if it's too broad or over-reaching. Check with an attorney, it may not be enforceable beyond the region or state.

And don't be too hard on him for signing it. Being desperate or excited for a new job can be overwhelming and we'll sign anything.

I signed one once (non aviation related). It was a 2 year position with the same company I was already with but in a different country. I knew I was coming back to the US and would not be under that contract anymore and there wasn't a non-compete clause in the US employment agreement. I also knew it wouldn't be enforceable because it basically stated I couldn't work for 2 years with any competitor, customer, client, or anyone with any type business relationship or contract with the company or any of their competitors, customers, clients, or business relationships. A couple degrees of separation and you've covered just about every company and person in the world.
Thanks for the input again guys. I do not feel comfortable disclosing any information about the school. All I can say is if you ever come across a contract with something like that in it, Do Not Sign IT!

This contract updated contract was presented to all flight instructors in the middle of employment. I had been working there for over a year and during a meeting this was presented to us. All of the other instructors noticed it and were wary of signing it. I didn't think I would be working here for another 2 years later... I do feel sorry for all the instructors working there. If anybody does want more information about this I would be glad to discuss in private message, but do not feel comfortable openly bad mouthing a company.

Thanks again for all the advice and input. I really do agree with all of the posts if anybody wants more info again shoot a pm! Thanks
Are you going out of state to work? How would he know that you got a job somewhere else? As long as its not something near by how would he find out?
I have never (in 21 yrs as a CFI and a former flight school owner) seen a non-compete clause. There's really only a couple reasons you'd see one:

1.An extreme shortage of qualified labor (unlikely)
2.Disclosure of proprietary info (like in manufacturing)
3.Taking the client list and the clients with you (like in sales or finance-think a stock broker with millions under management)

I'm guessing the motivation would be reason three. Students tend to attach to instructors rather than schools. They may be worried about that. If you leave, so goes the students and revenue. It's not an excuse for what they're doing, just throwing it out there as a former school owner. We never had that problem, and in fact I paid for several of my CFIs to get their multi and allowed them to pay me back via payroll deduction. In short, we had a good working relationship.
Quote: I have never (in 21 yrs as a CFI and a former flight school owner) seen a non-compete clause. There's really only a couple reasons you'd see one:

1.An extreme shortage of qualified labor (unlikely)
2.Disclosure of proprietary info (like in manufacturing)
3.Taking the client list and the clients with you (like in sales or finance-think a stock broker with millions under management)
You forgot one:

4. The school owner is a control freak who wants to keep his employees on the level of indentured servants, much like companies who used to pay their employees in worthless script that could only be used at the company store.

This D-bag should be publicly outed, and an internet campaign started to run him out of business.

To the OP: I strongly suspect this guy is blowing smoke on enforcing this, but two can play at that game - the phrase "hostile workplace" comes to mind.
What did you get out of it? Did they pay for your cfi, ii or mei?
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