Catch me if you Can-"Pilot" Sneaks on USAir

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One story (of many differing storys) said it was the gate agent who finally 'caught' him, when she gave the final pax count to the F/O, but only after the pilots had let him stow his stuff in the cockpit and he was already sitting on the jumpseat?!

Get ready for a new TSA directive!
From what I heard on the news, he had a coach ticket and never asked for a Jumpseat pass from the agent, so the CASS system was never a player.
Quote: There was only one layer he tried to go through. The flight crew. They did their job. He was a normal ticketed passenger. He never told anyone he was a "pilot" until he got on the airplane. So I think everyone did what was supposed to be done.
If he was sitting on the jumpseat they were absolutely not doing their job.

In their defense and I really hope this is the case, they mistook his ID for a real ID, which is somewhat understandable even though it was Air France, and the French guy said the gate agent was bring down the CASS authorization.

The door wasn't closed so it never got too far. But I think we can all expect some emails about this from our companies and unions. Oh and a lot of stupid questions about it from non-aviation family and friends.
Maybe it was a dry run to see how well the system works (or doesn't). I sure am glad the knife ban is still in effect....
Quote: From what I heard on the news, he had a coach ticket and never asked for a Jumpseat pass from the agent, so the CASS system was never a player.
This is what I'm thinking. Another report said he had an Air France ID doctored to have his name on it. That's kind of hard for the flight crews to know every ID, HOWEVER, they should have asked for the jumpseat form and the rest of the stuff beyond his ID if he was up front. That and the whole "Air France" should have had them wondering why he was going to be up front as well.

I'm just hoping the TSA does knee jerk us ALL out of the jumpseat because of this tool....
I think the CA/FO are going to get a talking to at the very least.
Here's are really crazy idea. Let's find out what really happened before we throw the crew or anyone else under the bus. The way I heard it was that the crew saw his fake stuff and called security. If it happened any other way we will hear about it.

I know you can't put anything that is not true on the internet, but...........
I'm with r57 on this one...the FO asks for paperwork, the dude doesn't have it and he gets arrested. Seems like it all worked the way it was supposed to.
Quote: Here's are really crazy idea. Let's find out what really happened before we throw the crew or anyone else under the bus. The way I heard it was that the crew say his fake stuff and called security. If it happened any other way we will hear about it.

I know you can't put anything that is not true on the internet, but...........

Does USAirways allow expats ride in the back on a JS pass?
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