More 170's for Delta to be operated by RAH

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Are the rest of the chataqua DCI 145's being parked with this deal?
Quote: Are the rest of the chataqua DCI 145's being parked with this deal?
They were being parked BEFORE this deal.
Quote: When does Gojet's CRJ7 contract expire and how many jets are in service there? timing seems to match up. No?

RAH will source the aircraft. They will come from our UA/US operation or they will be used from the open market.
AA has 90 options of 175s that are possibly going to be operated by Envoy - however, as current scope is written, even if AAG wanted to exercise all the options they would be unable to due to the number of large RJs currently being operated. Save for scope language adjustments (not likely), one idea that was thrown around was to reduce the number of 175s currently being flown by RAH - especially given Parker's feelings to BB (the AA 175 deal was done by Horton, prior to the merge). That could free up some airframes to do this deal.
Quote: AA has 90 options of 175s that are possibly going to be operated by Envoy - however, as current scope is written, even if AAG wanted to exercise all the options they would be unable to due to the number of large RJs currently being operated. Save for scope language adjustments (not likely), one idea that was thrown around was to reduce the number of 175s currently being flown by RAH - especially given Parker's feelings to BB (the AA 175 deal was done by Horton, prior to the merge). That could free up some airframes to do this deal.
Parker and Bedford have been best buddies more or less. Dont believe for a second parker was not involved in the new AA 175s rah is bringing in. Thise two have been doing business with each other for quite a while. If Parker hated Bedford, rah would look very different today.
Quote: AA has 90 options of 175s that are possibly going to be operated by Envoy - however, as current scope is written, even if AAG wanted to exercise all the options they would be unable to due to the number of large RJs currently being operated. Save for scope language adjustments (not likely), one idea that was thrown around was to reduce the number of 175s currently being flown by RAH - especially given Parker's feelings to BB (the AA 175 deal was done by Horton, prior to the merge). That could free up some airframes to do this deal.
I could believe what you are saying if we were wholly owned, but we are not. The number of 175s is a contract between AA and a 3rd party. They can not change the number of aircraft without amending the CPA. Besides, almost all the AA 175s have been delivered at this point. It is not a trivial thing to remove aircraft from a non-wholly owned.

As for the 170s, I believe expiration of the CPA for some of the oldest Mid Atlantic birds will coincide with this Delta agreement. Either BB thinks he can renew them with AA by then, as he did already with DL and UA E170s, or they will simply go into service with DL under this latest agreement with DL. Heck, many of the current DL E170s are ex-Mid Atlantic with "MD" tail numbers too!

I don't quite know what to make of your comment about Parker and Bedford. I've only heard they are long-time buddies. We bought Mid-Atlantic from them, bought DCA/LGA slots/gates from them and leased them back to US Airways, and also assumed E190 leases from them when they were trying to reduce the number of that type in the fleet. I just don't anything to characterize their relationship other than good.
BB and Parker buddies? Hmm I've always thought of Parker as more of a golfing, drinking and driving kinda guy with JO in the passenger seat.

Meanwhile BB is with his 20 kids at Thursday night mass.

God Bless,
Quote: BB and Parker buddies? Hmm I've always thought of Parker as more of a golfing, drinking and driving kinda guy with JO in the passenger seat.

Meanwhile BB is with his 20 kids at Thursday night mass.

God Bless,
Come on. It's only 12.
Well, I am gonna pop some popcorn because this is gonna be good. I mean how in the hell are they going to get any new hires?
Sounds like they will just park the Qs and/ or the145s early. I'm hearing this is not necessarily a good thing, because it will not be true upgrades anyways. They will just use displaced Q and 145 captains to staff the left seat. BB will just offer a 20k bonus if he needs to attract more new hires. Maybe for 20k they won't need 100 hours of IOE
Quote: They were being parked BEFORE this deal.
I thought they were only parking the UA and AA 145's or did the DCI 145's shutdown announcement come at the same time as parking the q?
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