Advice to aspiring airline pilots

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Quote: i can do better better :

go to dental school .

if you really must fly try the military route and then go to dental school and do the guard thing on weekends.

Yes, because money is everything and we could all be happy smelling crappy breath and working on teeth and gums our entire life. Do what makes you happy. And I'll make it easy for you, if your chasing money, you ARE NOT chasing happiness. The quicker you learn that, the better off you'll be.
Quote: Yes, because money is everything and we could all be happy smelling crappy breath and working on teeth and gums our entire life. Do what makes you happy. And I'll make it easy for you, if your chasing money, you ARE NOT chasing happiness. The quicker you learn that, the better off you'll be.
well Ill tel you one thing being late on every bill you have and not having enough money to go to dinner once a month sure as hell isnt going to make you happy either, I sure as hell know doesnt make me happy
Quote: well Ill tel you one thing being late on every bill you have and not having enough money to go to dinner once a month sure as hell isnt going to make you happy either, I sure as hell know doesnt make me happy
Just wait for that 2nd Yr pay, you'll be alright. My point is it isn't all about money. Many doctors, lawyers, dentists work so much that they don't get to enjoy their money, or worse yet their families. There are more important things.
One thing about those doctors working that much though...they chose to do it...Didn't have crew stalking call them at 5 am telling them to get their butts out of bed. Every doctor that works that much does it because they love it as much as you love flying planes.
Quote: One thing about those doctors...Didn't have crew stalking call them at 5 am telling them to get their butts out of bed.
That's because they never did go to bed... stayed up during a 10hr night shift at the ER....
It all depends on what your situation is. If you aren't able to get into the better regionals take what you can get. I see no point in going to some sh*thole regional when you are able to get into a good one. Like these guys said will enjoy it a lot more if you work for a good company. I was lucky enough to get into ExpressJet at a young age. The upgrade here is 2 years right I'm not worried about having to stay a fo for the rest of my life. I know it might not stay that short but at least I love this company. I have heard too many horrible stories about crap companys and not having a life.
Quote: Yes, because money is everything and we could all be happy smelling crappy breath and working on teeth and gums our entire life. Do what makes you happy. And I'll make it easy for you, if your chasing money, you ARE NOT chasing happiness. The quicker you learn that, the better off you'll be.
Dentists breath crappy breath three days a week so they can afford a nice place to live for their families and have the time to enjoy them while building a business that could be worth millions someday.

We all make choices in life. A little sacrifice and non-self centered living offers huge benefits. Dentists, Doctors lawyers and policemen are busy building real lives while pilots play peter pan and waste their days away in the sky.

It's called growing up.

So. . .why would you get the PIC time and then go to Horizon?
Quote: We all make choices in life. A little sacrifice and non-self centered living offers huge benefits. Dentists, Doctors lawyers and policemen are busy building real lives while pilots play peter pan and waste their days away in the sky.


I know many people don't want to hear it but skyhigh is right about what he says. It's true that you will have serious problems building a good life in aviation. Even if you like flying and don't want to do anything else, you will spend year after year going nowhere financially. It's kind of sad after having spent so much time and money on flight training to have no return on the investment.
Quote: I know many people don't want to hear it but skyhigh is right about what he says. It's true that you will have serious problems building a good life in aviation. Even if you like flying and don't want to do anything else, you will spend year after year going nowhere financially. It's kind of sad after having spent so much time and money on flight training to have no return on the investment.
Exactly. Well done.

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