"Latest and Greatest" about jetBlue

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Quote: Why be a jerk? The guy is happy he got a class. I think our industry needs a new standard, the "Don't be a jerk" rule. If you're a jerk, you're fired. That would clean out some of the list.
Alright, everyone pay attention because I am not going to say this to each post.

I am not being a jerk. I am usually the exact opposite... with exceptions of course.

He has been arguing with lakealice, and others about substantive issues regarding JetBlue. He has strong opinions about many of the issues facing JB pilots, yet he is not even in class yet.

Maybe this clown should actually work here before he makes definitive statements and fortifies an opinion on important issues.
Quote: I'd guess late-summer or fall at the earliest
Thanks man!
Quote: Well, I guess I should post cause it's so quiet. I got a call for Feb22 last week. (Thurs)Then, I was offered Feb1 due to a last minute deferral. If anyone else is going Feb1 I'll see you there. I hope someone else got a call for Feb22. The list is moving. I'll see you, Lake, soon.
Hey Congrates P-3 and welcome aboard.
Quote: Alright, everyone pay attention because I am not going to say this to each post.

I am not being a jerk. I am usually the exact opposite... with exceptions of course.

He has been arguing with lakealice, and others about substantive issues regarding JetBlue. He has strong opinions about many of the issues facing JB pilots, yet he is not even in class yet.

Maybe this clown should actually work here before he makes definitive statements and fortifies an opinion on important issues.
P-3 Bubba has never hidden the fact that he is waiting for a training date.

I read comments and opinions on these boards about JetBlue posted by pilots from other Airlines who have no connection to us. On top of that almost everybody reguardless of who they fly for comments and has strong opinions on the "Latest and greatest at Delta" and many other threads so needless to say I do not agree with your comment.

P-3 you seem to be looking foward to being at JetBlue, and I hope it is a positive experience. Once again welcome.
"this clown"

...I see you've resorted to name-calling!!

I'm glad to see you make use of those free speech rights you enjoy due to guys like P-3....who will soon be doing your job (in addition to being a military aviator). Call me crazy (or knowing you, something worse), but I think he has earned the right to speak his mind!
Quote: Alright, everyone pay attention because I am not going to say this to each post.

I am not being a jerk. I am usually the exact opposite... with exceptions of course.

He has been arguing with lakealice, and others about substantive issues regarding JetBlue. He has strong opinions about many of the issues facing JB pilots, yet he is not even in class yet.

Maybe this clown should actually work here before he makes definitive statements and fortifies an opinion on important issues.
And now I do. As far as "this" clown goes, "this" is always better than "a$$". See you on the line.
Quote: "this clown"

...I see you've resorted to name-calling!!

I'm glad to see you make use of those free speech rights you enjoy due to guys like P-3....who will soon be doing your job (in addition to being a military aviator). Call me crazy (or knowing you, something worse), but I think he has earned the right to speak his mind!
cute. The old Mil card...
Nice...the ol' douche act!!
sigh....I had higher hopes from this crowd.
Quote: cute. The old Mil card...
Let's get something clear. While we may all thank P-3 for his service in the military his tenure neither guaranteed nor provided for my free speech. That friends is provided be the first amendment. His opinions on jetblue are just that, his opinions. While it is perplexing he would have such strong opinions regarding a company he is not currently employed by he does have that right.
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