3/15 Interviews

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Comet, it was a (347) area code. They asked to confirm some hours and passed some info on when you're required to show up. I was told 12 people on 9 Aug and 17 in the following class. Hope you guys hear soon!
That's awesome news! Hopefully they pick up even more in September
My call came from an Orlando number.
Quote: My call came from an Orlando number.
Wow! First time I have heard that!
Quote: Comet, it was a (347) area code. They asked to confirm some hours and passed some info on when you're required to show up. I was told 12 people on 9 Aug and 17 in the following class. Hope you guys hear soon!
Good info!

Do you, or anyone else, have any clue how many of us interviewed on 3/15? It seemed like a pretty good sized group.
One of the recruiters showed me the paper for the day. If I recall, there were between 20-25 with some getting stuck in that NYC weather and not making it down.
Quote: One of the recruiters showed me the paper for the day. If I recall, there were between 20-25 with some getting stuck in that NYC weather and not making it down.
So, theoretically, if all of us made it into the pool, we should all be getting calls for the August classes? Wonder what the delay on getting the calls out is?
Aug 23 class date for me. See you all down there!
Congrats! See you in Orlando.
8/9 for this 3/15'er.

Looking forward to the journey.
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