US Airways Calls

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Quote: Back to the calls topic. The guy guy I'm flying with got the email on 7/24. He got a call for an interview last week. So, maybe the emails do mean you're being looked at...
Don't happen to know when they called and when he's interviewing by chance? Just kurius
He interviewed on the 15th. Got the all some time the week prior.
Is is good that my app status still says "under review"?
Quote: Is is good that my app status still says "under review"?
Mine still says under review even though I got the no thanks email in July from an interview in June.
"Under Review" with a dated "Application Invitation"? Any word on what the App Invit link may mean?
If the app is from Feb , they are no longer looking at those apps.
Quote: If the app is from Feb , they are no longer looking at those apps.
What makes you say that? This is the app the "keep warm" status for many of us is tied to and where the email was generated from that several folk received.
Quote: What makes you say that? This is the app the "keep warm" status for many of us is tied to and where the email was generated from that several folk received.
People who interviewed in April have been assigned September classes.
Quote: People who interviewed in April have been assigned September classes.
OK, but we're talking about the application from, not really sure what interviews in April has to do with that
gasnhaul, I emailed peoplescout about updating two of my apps on file. I gave him my two req #'s and he said that the Feb applications were no longer being looked at. But, that my May app is still in limbo "under review".
That's strange. Did you get an e-mail in July stating that your app was under further review and that the process would take several weeks?
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