FDX ANC DP trip 91, 11apr

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Quote: Ummmmm...that's a great suggestion if you condone the actions of one who affects many. And yes it's a tough pill to swallow for the fellow brother/sister who happens to have made the mistake, especially with the public ridicule. It doesn't mean they are a bad person; it simply means they are on the hot seat for others to see, and that is the deterrent at present.

My problem is when one of us is assigned a former DP and screws something up due to fatigue, we might pay the price in the way of our livelihoods. So yes, we are going to be emotional when one asks for and flies a DP, even if it was a mistake.

Here's my suggestion to combat DPs, all of which have been stated time and time again. First, flagging them in open time is a great idea. Second, maybe Captains could step up to the plate by calling in fatigued if the need arises. Dollar signs seem to get the attention of everyone around this place. Third, we need to be more careful when bidding. Utilize software and triple check everything. I think it's fair to state the SIG does more than their share by providing all of the information in a multitude of ways. Let's do our part.

The system is broken. How else could there be so many different individuals making the same mistake every month?
I think we agree on the big thing. The d.p. should not be flown. Period. That's not going to happen due to the current set of rules. So the end result, whether we like it or not, is that it should be flown by reserve pilots. I'm not condoning that. It's the way it is. My point was that if, for whatever reason, a d.p. appears on someone's schedule why not delay the execution until the flight blocks out? People correct mistakes and/or get religion in a few cases. I'm all for ridicule. But when you make false statements or false assumptions without all of the facts before the dirty deed is actually done, it serves no useful purpose.

The company must be enjoying the hell out of this.
Quote: Look guys I suspect there are 50+ xpairings a month in ANC - many which are nice, long, intl trips. Yeah you've got to hawk OT but that's the price you pay. Don't tell me you can't make it up - I've seen it and you can but it takes some work. It's not a hard fix.
I think we have a winner here.
I have zero sympathy for all these "good guys" making dp "errors"
Quote: I think we have a winner here.
I have zero sympathy for all these "good guys" making dp "errors"
Nice to hear from someone who never makes a mistake. Hope to meet you someday. I'm sure the crown of thorns will tip your hand.
Quote: Nice to hear from someone who never makes a mistake. Hope to meet you someday. I'm sure the crown of thorns will tip your hand.
We are all willing to give the benefit of the doubt. Just do the right thing. I don't care about how hard it is to have to use all your sick leave on one trip. Poor guy having to make more than almost every airline captain in the country in his second year.

P.S. Barrack and Hillary love you I am sure.
P.S. Barrack and Hillary love you I am sure.
At least I don't know about them. All three suck.
Quote: Nice to hear from someone who never makes a mistake. Hope to meet you someday. I'm sure the crown of thorns will tip your hand.
The problem with your post is that you profer that it is a "mistake". We are way past any possible "honest mistake". Given the level of DP awareness, communication and rhetoric any instance of acquiring a DP stems from either incompetence or indifference, neither acceptabe.......not any more.....ever. Drop the pairing, it is your duty and your fault......no excuses.
acceptable (always spell challenged)
Quote: acceptable (always spell challenged)
You would seem less incompetent if you just used the "edit" button. Rather than correct your mistake in a new post.
Quote: The problem with your post is that you profer that it is a "mistake". We are way past any possible "honest mistake". Given the level of DP awareness, communication and rhetoric any instance of acquiring a DP stems from either incompetence or indifference, neither acceptabe.......not any more.....ever. Drop the pairing, it is your duty and your fault......no excuses.
Well, after 13 years I'd get rid of it somehow too. This is a guy that I put a rec in for and went through training with 18 months ago. He also ate dinner at my house three nights ago. Trust me it was a mistake. The day before VTOs came out he saw his mistake and got on the phone with the Union trying to fix it before the VTO were put out. The ANC LEC chair gave him guidance and he is sticking with that.
I love it that the ANC guys are so tough on this stuff and I wish we'd get smart in Memphis too. Like I said before with 18 months here I don't think he will call in sick. If he can he will trade it. Losing a months pay isn't really option for him right now.

I'd love to go through all of the guys schedules on here for the years we were without a contract and see if anyone went without picking up a minute of extra time in any way. Training, C/O, M/U, anything. I'll bet not one person posting on here could meet that standard and it was much more important. When throwing stones check the glass house you are in.
[QUOTE=R1200RT;357528]I can tell you requesting this trip was blunder!
I went through training with him and there isn't a better guy out there. He saw his mistake the day before the VTOs came out and called the ANC LEC chair to see if there was anything they could do to get him out of it. He has also answered the emails and calls and has taken the comments to heart. Trust me there isn't anyone out there harder on this kind of stuff than he is. At 78 credit hours he can't just drop it. I know he is all over open time and if possible he will trade out of it. Or, if you guys see a trip let him know ASAP.

We eat our own in this business, when a mistake is made maybe we should let it slide.......... ONCE!

I wish Memphis was more like Anchorage![/QUOTE]

By "more like Anchorage" do you mean we pick trips up then say we made a mistake..... Amazes me how we can find any reason to divide this crew force. The Company has to just sit back and read these forums and laugh there a$$es off at us.
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