Colgan Air flight 3407

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Quote: I've known about 3407 for five hours now. I just finished listening to the ATC audio. I'm have been and am still sitting here just stunned.

I flew with Marvin a number of times when he was an FO on the Saab at IAH. You're right, you'd have liked him...a lot. He was a great guy to fly with. Professional, calm, very competent, cautious, and thorough. We flew a three day trip together in October 2006. We had an aborted takeoff in ABI. He handled his responsibilities perfectly, professionally, and proactively, just like a routine simulator evolution. He always displayed great care for his crew and for his passengers. He made my life easy as my FO. I'd have flown with him anytime, anywhere. To his family - if there was something he could have done, I assure you, Marvin tried to do it.

When I fly west for the final time, he's one of the first I'll look for and find. I did not know the rest of the crew. My deepest thoughts and wishes to their family and friends. They could not have made their final flight with anyone finer.
Thanks for sharing, that's really quite nice. He sounds like someone I would have enjoyed flying with, a lot.
Quote: Thanks for sharing, that's really quite nice. He sounds like someone I would have enjoyed flying with, a lot.
by far one of my fav capts. He'll be truly missed.

Anyone have another other info or even knew the other crew members or the jumpseater?
I just hope the Colgan crew doesn't take a beating by the media for this accident not having the same outcome as the Airways accident last month.
Quote: I just hope the Colgan crew doesn't take a beating by the media for this accident not having the same outcome as the Airways accident last month.
They're just waiting for something to pounce on.
definitely a tough day to head to work...i'll be commuting down to new york tonight. i commuted in the morning after the US1549 incident a few weeks ago and you can definitely see it in other crew members faces. this incident didn't turn out well at all and it's going to take a lot of time.

in times like this i think we should all wear our uniforms proudly, smile to each other while passing in the airport and hug our loved ones a little longer before we leave...............

Someday we will know, where the pilots go
When their work on earth is through.
Where the air is clean, and the engines gleam,
And the skies are always blue.
They have flown alone, with the engine's moan,
As they sweat the great beyond,
And they take delight, at the awesome sight
of the world spread far and yon.

Yet not alone, for above the moan, when the earth is
out of sight,
As they make their stand, He takes their hand,
and guides them through the night.
How near to God are these men of sod,
Who step near death's last door?
Oh, these men are real, not made of steel,
But He knows who goes before,

And how they live, and love and are beloved,
But their love is most for air.
And with death about, they will still fly out,
And leave their troubles there.
He knows these things, of men with wings,
And He knows they are surely true.
And He will give a hand, to such a man
'Cause He's a pilot too.

— unknown
Excellent. nuff said
RIP to all on board...

And for all of you on here that personally lost a friend last night, my thoughts are with you!

The aviation community as a whole can honor those who died by WAITING for the facts to come out, and then taking any lessons that might be learned from this and applying them so we can insure it does not happen again...

Again, for those of you who lost a friend last night I am sorry
My thoughts and prayers go to all of the families and loved ones affected by this tragedy. RIP indeed.
I flew with Captain Renslow over a period of a month and quickly found out just how nice of a guy he was. Great stick and my thoughts and prayers are with his family and the families of the entire crew. Sad day.....
I flew with the FO on a 2 day a few months ago. She was a very smart and professional woman. She loved here husband very much, s and was looking forward to getting home to see him, after our trip was done. The 2 FA, were full of life, and it showed. They could turn a group of angry passengers at the beginning of the flight, into the happiest group of people by the end. All my heart goes out the families, and love ones. I will miss them.

May god bless the crew, passengers, families, and all of you. You are in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless.
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