NW guys hats on?

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I wore my new uniform this morning. I got a lot of comments waiting for the taxi in the NRT hotel lobby.
I remember the old wings still had something left over from the mail flying days. Did that part make the transition?
Nope, the Air Mail wings were not included in the new design.
As a DAL-S guy, I am sad to see the NWA branding going. I guess I'm just a nostalgic kind of guy. Would have been interesting if they could have incorporated elements of both airlines in the new branding. Still, progress, or what subs for it, marches on. Anyway, welcome to the family.
Quote: Hung up my NWA jacket for the last time tonight.........more sad than I thought I'd be.

Long live the widget, or is it "be the widget"?


PS.......posted before but still a goodie

YouTube - Goodbye Northwest
Great video,

I remember taking the "orient" to Gatwick out of BOS in the 80s.. It was also the airline I flew to college (UND) from NY.. I always wanted to fly for them... However I went to the first that called..

When NWA called for the interview I was in class already....

MSP will never look the same...

All the best,

Just doing & AA,

Quote: Sniff is correct. I had a hard time believing it, but my cup ranneth over a bit when taking off the wings for the last time. I would have rather seen the NWA stuff survive than this morph. I guess I'll get used to it, but it was a bit harder than I imagined it would be..

DAL and NWA are no more.

Must be abused wife syndrome.

Why are the most militant pilots gone all Celene Dion on us?

Please reconnect with your dangly bits.

Here's the first step of your therapy:


Your right, most of us had a love/hate relationship with the company. Walking a picket line is about as much fun as you can have with your pants on But, I look back with pride on what all those before us built. It took big danglies to fly the mail in an old fashioned airplane between MSP and Chicago (via MKE) in the winter. Or, to build a bridge up to Alaska and beyond to Asia in a DC-4. Some tough/brave old dudes for sure.

So, I'm now one with the widget........

Quote: Must be abused wife syndrome.

Why are the most militant pilots gone all Celene Dion on us?

Please reconnect with your dangly bits.

Here's the first step of your therapy:

YouTube - The Worst Airline CEOS
Did I miss Bob Crandall on that list?
Ron Allen was missing too, as was Brian LaBreque.

The guy who put it together probably could not find a song long enough to include everyone who deserved mention.
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