ASU v Embry Riddle

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Hey you know what E.R.A.U. stands for right?

Something that starts with an E. Rendered. Absolutely. Useless.

RELAX you Riddle weenies, I am one.
Quote: Go to ASU. Have you seen the ladies there? No contest.
this is a no brainer, college the best 4, no 5, well maybe 6 years of your life, riddle guys wish they had fall saturday football game tailgate parties to attend and a new crop of freshman sorostitutes landing on campus every year.
Quote: I went to ERAU Daytona and was hired at FDX 3 years after graduation...i have been at FDX for 15 years and have flown with many ERAU grads...ASU grads?..not so much!
you are the miniscule percent of people to get lucky enough to kiss someones rear enough to land there that quickly but hats off to you brother, i'll trade places with ya any day of the week
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