iPhone or Blackberry

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Quote: Neither!

Get a SmartPhone. Way less limitations thatn both BB and IPhones.

mshunter, not to come off as rude, but BB, iPhone, and Droid are all "smartphone's..." Maybe you are talking about Windows Mobile phones? If that the case the droid is probably the better choice. Android is closer to windows mobile - only better in my opinion. Windows mobile is very stale, but Microsoft will come out with something really nice in a year or 2, I guarentee that. Perhaps somethign built off of the zuneHD interface which is better than apple's even for music.
Quote: mshunter, not to come off as rude, but BB, iPhone, and Droid are all "smartphone's..." Maybe you are talking about Windows Mobile phones? If that the case the droid is probably the better choice. Android is closer to windows mobile - only better in my opinion. Windows mobile is very stale, but Microsoft will come out with something really nice in a year or 2, I guarentee that. Perhaps somethign built off of the zuneHD interface which is better than apple's even for music.

Look at the way their sold. BB/Iphone/Smartphones are all different entities. Oh, and not rude either.
Quote: Look at the way their sold. BB/Iphone/Smartphones are all different entities. Oh, and not rude either.
Well for semantics sake, the media and most users would group these devices as smartphones. I know they are trying to create a new division called 'App phones' which I personally don't agree with, but for the sake of this thread, I'd be more specific as to what type of device you are referring to...
Quote: I have ATT and absolutely no problems with the network. I drop a call maybe once or twice a month. I don't get how some think ATT has a bad network. They have the largest network worldwide and if not the largest the second largest in the US. I'd have to bet if you are having trouble with your phone especially in a major city then there might be some sort of obstacle interferense such as a lot of metal in your building or something. I always have full reception. If I don't I walk outside and voilą.

You just proved our point about ATT. ATT uses GSM and it has a lot of problems with call quality indoors. Take your ATT phone, put it up next to a speaker or radio. What do you hear? Interferrence. That is why people with ATT phones have to go outside to make a call. Unacceptable.

I used ATT for two months (I was able to convince them to let me try it out for an additional month). The call drops were horrendous. The call quality was significantly worse than VZW.

There are plenty things I don't like about VZW, but, I know that when I need to make a call, I don't have to hold my phone a certain way, move to a certain area of a building, or go outside. It just works.

I don't own any other phone now that I have VZW. When I had Cingular, I always had to have a land line because scheduling would call me and complain that they couldn't get in touch with me. Not anymore.

I see this all the time. My friends who have the iPhone at my reserve units, must go outside to make a call. And it isn't the iPhone. It is ATT ... other ATT phones have the same issues.
Quote: Well for semantics sake, the media and most users would group these devices as smartphones. I know they are trying to create a new division called 'App phones' which I personally don't agree with, but for the sake of this thread, I'd be more specific as to what type of device you are referring to...

Sheesh, what a stickler for the rules. I am not a fan of the IPhone, to trendy, and it's from Apple. I don't like the fact that you have to go 3rd party for insurance, and everyone I work with is always complaining about service. I also don't like Crackberries, they are decent phones, but are llimited to what they can do in terms of apps. I have a Samsung Saga, and love it. It supports Logbook Pro, which blackberry and Apple do not. It has GPS (for free), so Google maps has been downloaded, and it's extreamly easy to get "un-lost," don't ask me how I know. The app support for it is endless, and the majority of it is free.

The only gripe I have is it doesn't have much storage. I haven't filled it up yet, but I know there will e a day when I do. But no big deal, you can buy memory chips for a resonable cost (5 bucks for 2 gigs). It'll play music, sync to a computer (plug and play), takes good pictures (2 mega pixel). And, it was only $99.00 signing the same contract agreement that everyone else has.
Quote: Sheesh, what a stickler for the rules. I am not a fan of the IPhone, to trendy, and it's from Apple.
I don't think its trendy.

I don't like the fact that you have to go 3rd party for insurance, and everyone I work with is always complaining about service.
No third party insurance required. You buy it from Apple and I believe Best Buy offers some sort of insurance too.

It supports Logbook Pro, which blackberry and Apple do not.
That is a developer issue not Apple or Blackberry. Then again the same developer doesn't want to port ADPL to anything else either.

It has GPS (for free), so Google maps has been downloaded, and it's extreamly easy to get "un-lost," don't ask me how I know.
The iphone gps is free also and uses the same google maps. There is now the option to buy a turn buy turn street nav software.
The app support for it is endless, and the majority of it is free.
Lots of free apps for the iphone also

I didn't think much of the iphone when it first came out until I started playing with one and I have been a Mac user since 1990.
Quote: That is a developer issue not Apple or Blackberry. Then again the same developer doesn't want to port ADPL to anything else either.

And there is much more support for windows based software because of lic. issues tht Apple has. Developer or not, it's still not supported. I think you fail to see me point.
Quote: I didn't think much of the iphone when it first came out until I started playing with one and I have been a Mac user since 1990.
That's a bunch of bull. You know you are exactly like Alex Zalban at 1m37s YouTube - Macbook Wheel
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