Time for government employees pay to be cut

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Quote: I don't know about all the random jobs throughout the bureaucracy, but I can say with certainty that the government lawyers, doctors, scientists, etc, the professional jobs for which there are near equivalents in the private sector, all get paid less...
Did you read the USA Today article, it has a table that list all the government jobs and equivalent private sector jobs. Yes they get paid a little less but they get way better benefits. I know lots of lawyers in the private sector not all can afford a Boston Legal life style.

A lot of the Government Doctors are government doctors because they are working off Medical school obligations to the government did you factor that into the pay issue?

The point is not if some Government employees are overpaid, the point is our civil service system is unsustainable. I hope all of you pro government bureaucracy guys ask yourself one question. Is there a ratio of private sector to public sector jobs that is to high. Right now I think that ratio is about 4 to 1 working towards 3 to 1.

Be honest, your kid comes to you for advice, do you tell him to take a public sector or a private sector job and why?
Wages could hit steepest plunge in 18 years
Another USA Today article from 10/16/2009:

Wages could hit steepest plunge in 18 years

A bad economy and low inflation are starting to drag down wages for millions of everyday workers and freeze benefits for millions of retirees.

Average weekly wages have fallen 1.4% this year for private-sector workers through September, after adjusting for inflation, to $616.11, a USA TODAY analysis of Bureau of Labor Statistics data found. If that trend holds, it will mark the biggest annual decline in real wages since 1991.


Weekly wages have tumbled largely because employees are working fewer hours — an average of 30 per week — than at anytime since the government began tracking the data in 1964.

Hourly wages are stagnant or declining, too. After adjusting for inflation, average hourly wages have dipped a half-percent this year to $18.67 an hour in September.


Weekly wages for private workers after adjusting for inflation:
Year Change
2000 -0.4%
2001 +1.5%
2002 +0.2%
2003 -0.7%
2004 -0.2%
2005 -0.4%
2006 +2.2%
2007 -1.2%
2008 +2.4%
2009 -1.4%

Note: 2009 figure through September
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Quote: Another USA Today article from 10/16/2009:

Wages could hit steepest plunge in 18 years

A bad economy and low inflation are starting to drag down wages for millions of everyday workers and freeze benefits for millions of retirees.

Average weekly wages have fallen 1.4% this year for private-sector workers through September, after adjusting for inflation, to $616.11, a USA TODAY analysis of Bureau of Labor Statistics data found. If that trend holds, it will mark the biggest annual decline in real wages since 1991.


Weekly wages have tumbled largely because employees are working fewer hours — an average of 30 per week — than at anytime since the government began tracking the data in 1964.

Hourly wages are stagnant or declining, too. After adjusting for inflation, average hourly wages have dipped a half-percent this year to $18.67 an hour in September.


Weekly wages for private workers after adjusting for inflation:
Year Change
2000 -0.4%
2001 +1.5%
2002 +0.2%
2003 -0.7%
2004 -0.2%
2005 -0.4%
2006 +2.2%
2007 -1.2%
2008 +2.4%
2009 -1.4%

Note: 2009 figure through September
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics
$616/week huh? Wow. We have pilots working for half that average.
Quote: The USPS (a quasi-governmental agency) is bleeding money. Business is down by nearly 20% since 2006. Have they let one GED educated employee go? Have they cut one dime in cost? Instead they are going to raise prices and cut service. A private company would be out of business in a second with strategy like that.
No sour grapes here.
The USPS wants to cut services and close down some post offices, but Congress won't let them. Congress believes that the USPS provides a communication service that should be accessible to everyone regardless of its profitability. It is sort of like the EAS.
At the other end of the extreme of government pay are astronauts. I always assumed they made a ton of money, but it turns out they only make $104,000 a year to command the most complex transportation device.

Hate government workers all you want, but what do expect them to do, turn down their benefits and ask for less pay? The reason why they have better compensation in some cases is because unlike the private sector, the government is more interested in service than making money. In some cases that is bad, but at least you know they aren't trying to give you the least they can give you for the amount of money you pay.

What this means in the end is that our taxes go up. It sucks, but if we like the country we live in, then we have to pay for it. Most western countries have very high income tax rates. Instead we have relatively low income tax rates but to fill the gap we are nickeled and dimed all over the place. It is a pain, but I don't mind paying my taxes because it costs a lot of money to run this country that I choose to live in. I also don't mind paying more now so that this country is still around for my grandchildren.

I wouldn't mind if government compensation got reevaluated, but to say that every government employee has it made is like saying every pilot works a few days a month and makes $200,000 a year. We don't like to be generalized and neither do government workers.
Nice strawman; hating government workers. Fact last week the Federal Government gained 7K employees private sector employees lost 360,000 (no Harry Reid comments allowed). Let me see if I can put this in terms you might be able to understand. Let us pretend that last week Delta gained 7K pilots but lost 360,000 passengers. How long till the airline goes under?

No one is talking about hating government employees we just see a trend that is unsustainable. Yes it must be nice to work for a non profit corporation (in reality operates at a rapidilly expanding deficit), that can command prices, where the union can bribe the managers, and if all other things fail they can just print money.
Quote: Nice strawman; hating government workers. Fact last week the Federal Government gained 7K employees private sector employees lost 360,000 (no Harry Reid comments allowed). Let me see if I can put this in terms you might be able to understand. Let us pretend that last week Delta gained 7K pilots but lost 360,000 passengers. How long till the airline goes under?

No one is talking about hating government employees we just see a trend that is unsustainable. Yes it must be nice to work for a non profit corporation, that can command prices, where the union can bribe the managers, and if all other things fail they can just print money.
So would it be better if the government fired its employees? It might save money, but remember it still cost the government money to fire workers and then have to pay for their unemployment. When the economy tanks the government hires to get people off the street and provide the employment the private sector can't. If our government could function properly, they would then cut those extra jobs when the economy turned around, but they don't.

In a recession, the government spends more and when the economy improves it is supposed to spend less/take in more taxes. Right now I don't mind if the government is hiring and paying fair wages, but if the government continues to spend money when things improve and continue to offer tax breaks, then I will be upset.
The biggest angst will be felt over the next 20 years as the baby boomers retire. The private sector then in a definite decline in real wages and the retired private sector with no retirement will be expected to pay for City, County, State, and Federal retires retirement pensions and health care benefits.

We are simply now at a point where the two lines have crossed. As they continue to diverge and the gap becomes a factor of 2, 3, 5, etc; Expect a major backlash for which there is no simple solution.
Quote: Nice strawman; hating government workers. Fact last week the Federal Government gained 7K employees private sector employees lost 360,000 (no Harry Reid comments allowed). Let me see if I can put this in terms you might be able to understand. Let us pretend that last week Delta gained 7K pilots but lost 360,000 passengers. How long till the airline goes under?

No one is talking about hating government employees we just see a trend that is unsustainable. Yes it must be nice to work for a non profit corporation (in reality operates at a rapidilly expanding deficit), that can command prices, where the union can bribe the managers, and if all other things fail they can just print money.
I hope those 7K gov't workers went to one of the DMV offices in San Diego. I waited for over 2 hours to get a temporary registration for a trailer - a task that took maybe 10 minutes.

I've always wanted to get into gov't flying vice the private sector, even when it was much more profitable to go private. I viewed the gov't side as much more stable and with good benefits for the long term. I would accept a low wage for those other bennies.

Quote: Federal mediators make between 100,000 to 150,000 per year. I have not received a raise in 5 years and make a third of their salaries. They enforce the antiquated Railway Labor Act which allows airlines to not give raises for years while they do nothing. What is their purpose again? Since the US Government is losing so much money, I propose a 50 percent pay cut and drastic reduction in benefits for these and other government employees. If it's good enough for us, it should be good enough for them....
Race to the bottom. This mindset, if I can't have it then I don't want anyone else to have it, got pilots where they are. Typical pilot mentality.

Must be the union leaderships fault.........................


Must be the fact they are union employees................


Must be those greedy goverment employees fault.................


It might be your fault!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Darn skumbage employees wanting the best for thier families they can get. Only management should be able to do that.
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