USAPA Uniform Survey

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Quote: on the flip side, there are many younger pilots being hired at mainline and get the looks of "*** are you doing our crew room ratjet driver".
I'm getting dirty looks around the airport, I can only assume I'm being mistaken for a PSA pilot since there's no difference in uniform other than a subtle line on our IDs.
Or if you are young, a west pilot? ;-)
Quote: One thing I think that's very important, that I have not seen brought up, is ensuring that express pilots do not wear the same uniform as mainline.

The mainline uniform is one that is earned. I hope that APA and USAPA push for this.
wow. just wow. really?

And I wonder why there has been no change here.... guys like this not worrying about the important stuff.
Quote: Or if you are young, a west pilot? ;-)
After the Nic came out and the East melt-down was in full swing, one of my captains gave his four stripe epaulettes to a cute, early twenties flight attendant. As we walked through Charlotte to the hotel van, the result was absolutely spectacular.
Quote: After the Nic came out and the East melt-down was in full swing, one of my captains gave his four stripe epaulettes to a cute, early twenties flight attendant. As we walked through Charlotte to the hotel van, the result was absolutely spectacular.
Young AND cute? I bet!
Quote: Or if you are young, a west pilot? ;-)
You have to remember this BS has been going on for a while. I was one of the young ones when AWA/US merged, now I'm pushing 40.
Quote: After the Nic came out and the East melt-down was in full swing, one of my captains gave his four stripe epaulettes to a cute, early twenties flight attendant. As we walked through Charlotte to the hotel van, the result was absolutely spectacular.
Just wait until the Nic is implemented, after having flushed >$600 mil in career earnings down the pooper. If done again the effect will be epically spectacular.
Never personally witnessed an East Pilot meltdown over the NIC.
Just a bunch quit and went to Jet Blue and Virgin, and ended up with ugly uniforms and more money.
Quote: You have to remember this BS has been going on for a while. I was one of the young ones when AWA/US merged, now I'm pushing 40.
I was one of the east young ones when the merger went through, at around 40. I said that only at US Air could I be called a baby. Now the east has the young(er) ones.
Quote: Just wait until the Nic is implemented, after having flushed >$600 mil in career earnings down the pooper. If done again the effect will be epically spectacular.
For those that dodged having tons of west guys come in on top of them, your math is off and you forget the intangibles. But, whatever, different situation now.
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