Please back me up on this

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Quote: she's

Your 8th grade forum teacher,
I'm going to do some research, but I have a strong feeling that " flys " is NOT a word. It actually is flies.
It looks as if the administrator pulled the post that was absolutely distasteful, as it should have been pulled. (Majors) Forum.

Thank you administrator.

If anyone want to post like a teenager, please go to my space dot com. They are used to the vulgarity and they won't even notice the misspelled words.

And yes, grammar and spelling indicates a level of education and helps in any situation, especially when it comes to NASA reports or making a point.

Don't believe me? Just go ahead and write that resume with bad grammar and misspelled words and send it to DAL or any other major airline. See if you get a call!

Happy Flying,

Quote: I'm going to do some research, but I have a strong feeling that " flys " is NOT a word. It actually is flies.
You are correct, it is flies, not flys! I was wondering if someone would notice!

Quote: You are correct, it is flies, not flys! I was wondering if someone would notice!

Pretty sad that my spelling is the issue here.
I think what is even more sad is the administrator doesn't believe in freedom of speech, and I also recall Hotmamapilot causing this by stating "RJ" drivers would slash their mothers throat to fly for Delta. That sounds like a personal attack to me. As far as the spelling goes that is just lame, I have a B.A. in history and am 2/2 for interviews, so my grammer is just fine. I won't state my opinion on here anymore because the "administrators" get upset if I defend myself.

PS its not "want to post", it should of been wants to post
Quote: she's

Your 8th grade forum teacher,
God, I can't stand it when the grammar police show up. Enough already. Who really cares anyway?
Can someone fill me in on what the majors post was all about?
Quote: If anyone want to post like a teenager
PaintCan, too many fumes? Since you’re on a grammar trip, check out yours!

I’ve said this once and I’ll say it again; there is no excuse for consistent misspellings, but stop bashing the occasional. I’m not an English teacher but a quick spell check isn’t hard. It will only take a few seconds.

HotMommaPilot, Where U @? With your history I thought that you’d be all over this thread!
Quote: Can someone fill me in on what the majors post was all about?
Why don't you go there and read it yourself...
Who's cares about spelling and grammer on a public forum? It's not school, it's not being graded, and it's not a resume for a pilot job. I have a master's degree and type 40 wpm and I often have spelling (typo) issues. So what? I don't care to spell check or proof read a simple forum post. It's not worth the time or effort. We don't need any more "spelling police" on the forum.

RJ and the pilots who fly them are not responsible for anything in this industry. The majors are. The companies, not the pilots. For example: Continental Express was formed by Continental Airlines by buying and combining 5 different turbo-prop regional airlines. Continental bought 275 (minus one crash = 274) ERJ's for Express which is now a public company called Expressjet Airlines. Pilots apply to airlines to fly planes. I don't care what airline. You need to get experience to move on to a better airline with better pay. Major airline captains used to fly various old regional aircraft for low pay too. Maybe not regional jet, but they flew turbo-props and piston aircraft to get experience too. The regional jet came along and is not any pilot's fault. A lot of "major" flying became "regional" flying; again, not any pilot's fault. Are there too many RJ's? I believe so. The companies took advantage of this plane and used too many. It was supposed to be a turbo-prop replacement aircraft, not a DC-9/B-737/MD-80 replacement aircraft. There are less turbo-prop jobs so pilots get hired into a jet. There are less qualified pilots, so less experienced pilots get hired into a jet. So what. They are lucky. I wish that it happened to me, but times were different before. Major pilots (not all of them) think young new hire regional jet pilots skip ahead into the plane when they should not be there. "They are ruining the industry by flying jets for low pay." No they aren't. They are doing exactly what major pilots did and would do again. Except today we have the regional jet (with higher pay than turbo-props). I don't see the difference.

Do some women get hired first because of their gender? Yes. Do some people (both genders) get hired first because they know someone? Yes. We all know of people and stories like this. So what. It's always been that way to some extent. If I was still at a regional I would do everything I could to get hired at a good major. No, I would not cross a picket line. I talking about normal job hunting and networking to get a job. Not every pilot can work at a major. There are more pilots than jobs. It's a numbers thing. You have to do something to get that number. Some work hard for it. Some know someone. Some get lucky. Some don't. Just be someone that trys.

BTW, I have 3000 hours regional turbo-prop and 5000 hours regional jet time. I've seen it all; the good and bad.
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