Amerijet STRIKE!

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Quote: I know this guy. He was fired from an RJ outfit. He just keeps on ruining his carreer.
Now he is a scab for a bottom rung company that has their pilots **** in a bag, pay for their hotels, and misrepresents the compensation. Its almost sad.
Not Wanted
Any hints as to why he was fired? He tore up the landing gear on a 727 about a month ago with the POI on board. Get this, he was getting checked out as a check airman! The company needed a convenient suck to replace the 3 out of 4 that walked of the job. And the fourth is two-time scab, N.D. How does the POI not seriously investigate these matters, he was almost seriously injured?
Quote: Any hints as to why he was fired? He tore up the landing gear on a 727 about a month ago with the POI on board. Get this, he was getting checked out as a check airman! The company needed a convenient suck to replace the 3 out of 4 that walked of the job. And the fourth is two-time scab, N.D. How does the POI not seriously investigate these matters, he was almost seriously injured?
How do you tear up the gear on a 727, some airlines land them on gravel runways routinely.
Quote: How do you tear up the gear on a 727, some airlines land them on gravel runways routinely.

I was thinking the same thing ...

Hi all,

Been lurking for a while and reading this thread. Nice job on the AmeriJet guys and gals for standing up to management. If I had more time off right now I'd come down and picket with you all! I'm just a regional F/O, and I can barely pay the mortgage, but when I get my next paycheck I'll donate 20 bucks or so to try and help.

As far as John Benisch the scab, I knew I recognized his name. I did a quick search and found this:

Airline disputes claim of anti-gay workplace - Southern Voice Atlanta

Seems like he left ASA a few years ago for some internal "drama."
Just donated....wish I could donate more. Thinking of you guys and gals on this Labor day. Stay strong.
Seems like two different people........

It seems like two different people: Someone with the courage to stand up to ANY kind of prejudice usually isn't the kind of person who will cross a picket line. It looks like he lost his stones after the ASA incident. Like UPS757 said, sad...............

In Unity,

Just found this on

AmeriJet pilots raise a stink over lack of lavatories -

Looks like the word is spreading and the general public is behind the pilots. As was stated in the article the lavatories aren't the major concern of the strike but it is definitely garnering the most public attention. Keep up the good work!
As a good friend of mine once said:

"Only a pilot would wear a white collared shirt to work and take a d**p in a plastic Wal-Mart bag"

Best of luck guys...

I just watched a report on WSVN (miami channel 7)..Its good to see you guys getting more and more media coverage..

We are all behind you guys!
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