Retiring USAF Pilot/Early Indoc/DEN Domicle?

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You have been here what a grand total of 15 maybe 16 months? You have no idea of the true face of these individuals. If you have been here for over 5 or 6 years then maybe then you can talk but since you haven't then you have no clue. You are still in the honeymoon stage, wait until you have to do a gear up landing or you loose pressure at FL390 or you are forced to take an aircraft with a deferred nose wheel steering with sleet and slush covered taxi way and runways.

Eseloco with his 15 or maybe 16 months of experience comes on here and talks as if he is an expert on everyone and everything Gojet. Just because you have not been in a situation where Gojet had decided it is their best interest to attack you does not mean it has not happened to the many people who have come on this site to warn people about this place.

Then since you don't like when I tell a retiring AF pilot how a national guard member got bounced out of here faster than **** how Randy Bratcher likes to say you get offended and bend out of shape and since you have absolutely nothing to justify this incident you start to fabricate a story that completely lacks creativity and is baseless by stating that I failed out of training to counter my argument without having any idea of who I am or even what my background is before coming to this place.

I will not stay out of these threads and I will continue to post as I deem to inform people of these incidents. Perhaps you may stay out of the thread if you don't like to read the truth about this place and you can go to your daddies office and curl up in the fetal position for consolation and comfort because you read all these terrible stories online.
Quote: You have been here what a grand total of 15 maybe 16 months? You have no idea of the true face of these individuals. If you have been here for over 5 or 6 years then maybe then you can talk but since you haven't then you have no clue. You are still in the honeymoon stage, wait until you have to do a gear up landing or you loose pressure at FL390 or you are forced to take an aircraft with a deferred nose wheel steering with sleet and slush covered taxi way and runways.

Eseloco with his 15 or maybe 16 months of experience comes on here and talks as if he is an expert on everyone and everything Gojet. Just because you have not been in a situation where Gojet had decided it is their best interest to attack you does not mean it has not happened to the many people who have come on this site to warn people about this place.

Then since you don't like when I tell a retiring AF pilot how a national guard member got bounced out of here faster than **** how Randy Bratcher likes to say you get offended and bend out of shape and since you have absolutely nothing to justify this incident you start to fabricate a story that completely lacks creativity and is baseless by stating that I failed out of training to counter my argument without having any idea of who I am or even what my background is before coming to this place.

I will not stay out of these threads and I will continue to post as I deem to inform people of these incidents. Perhaps you may stay out of the thread if you don't like to read the truth about this place and you can go to your daddies office and curl up in the fetal position for consolation and comfort because you read all these terrible stories online.

“Curl up in the fetal position for consolidation and comfort” ?? Haha says the crybaby snowflake who feels like he was treated unfairly. I’m done even giving any type of attention to your comments. Feel free to complain and b**** as much as you like.
People that came to this place before me where treated like ****, I have been and continue to be treated like **** and I am sure that after I leave this place hopefully this year people will continue to get treated like ****. All you have to do is go read the forums from the present to 4, 5, 6, 7 even 8 years ago and beyond and you will see the type people that run this place and there lack of values. So yes with or without your approval I will continue to take the liberty of letting people know what to expect when they come to work here and what type of treatment to expect from these two racist individuals.
Quote: People that came to this place before me where treated like ****, I have been and continue to be treated like **** and I am sure that after I leave this place hopefully this year people will continue to get treated like ****. All you have to do is go read the forums from the present to 4, 5, 6, 7 even 8 years ago and beyond and you will see the type people that run this place and there lack of values. So yes with or without your approval I will continue to take the liberty of letting people know what to expect when they come to work here and what type of treatment to expect from these two racist individuals.
You need a comma before "hopefully" and after, "year". I have not seen any racists. Unfortunately, my experience with Gojet has not been as positive as yours.

I would not count on getting that new recruiting job that just opened up in Hawaii.

Quick question, since they treat everyone like ****, how can you tell they are being racist when they do it? One thing has changed, it used to be that they would treat you like **** and then fire you to really mistreat you. Now they treat you like **** and to really mistreat you, they don't fire you.

(Come on guys, this is some good stuff! Should I quit aviation and hit the comedy circuit? 1 to 10, how do I rate?)
Quote: how can you tell they are being racist when they do it?
Are you wanting to know beyond the the racial slurs, and derogatory racial insults yelled out in the flight deck during IOE, in the simulator during your inicial PC or the derogatory talk that is carried out in the terminal geared towards a minority group in St Louis? Or is this not enough for them to be considered racist?

Since you want to be my grammar ***** go ahead and feel free to correct my gramatical errors going forward including but not limited to spelling and punctuation. This way you can feel good about yourself.
Quote: Are you wanting to know beyond the the racial slurs, and derogatory racial insults yelled out in the flight deck during IOE, in the simulator during your inicial PC or the derogatory talk that is carried out in the terminal geared towards a minority group in St Louis? Or is this not enough for them to be considered racist?

Since you want to be my grammar ***** go ahead and feel free to correct my gramatical errors going forward including but not limited to spelling and punctuation. This way you can feel good about yourself.
The commas are needed because otherwise it says that, "hopefully this year people will continue to get treated like ****." I don't think you meant to say that.

I believe my post added to your points.
Quote: People that came to this place before me where treated like ****, I have been and continue to be treated like **** and I am sure that after I leave this place hopefully this year people will continue to get treated like ****. All you have to do is go read the forums from the present to 4, 5, 6, 7 even 8 years ago and beyond and you will see the type people that run this place and there lack of values. So yes with or without your approval I will continue to take the liberty of letting people know what to expect when they come to work here and what type of treatment to expect from these two racist individuals.
I wasn’t going to touch this again. But it’s been bothering me a lot because you’re full of it. I am Spanish and have one of the most Spanish names you can have and certainly have never experienced even an ounce of any type of racism. There are a ton of minoritys that work at G7 and have been working there for years. People probably just don’t like you because you’re weird .
Quote: I wasn’t going to touch this again. But it’s been bothering me a lot because you’re full of it. I am Spanish and have one of the most Spanish names you can have and certainly have never experienced even an ounce of any type of racism. There are a ton of minoritys that work at G7 and have been working there for years. People probably just don’t like you because you’re weird .
You're not wrong. Any given day on the radio:

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