Commuting life?

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Quote: Ok so here is the secret to commuting... you have to no care. You really have to just. Not. Care. You will miss rides home. You will have to come in a night early, and get home a day later. You will have extra stress getting to work. Just don’t give a crap.

The people I know who hate commuting the most... the ones most stressed out about it, are the people who do everything possible to get home an hour or two early. These are the guys that care too much. They’ll take a red eye on fedex, then grab an Uber to the terminal and RUN to catch a second leg jumpseat to get home at 1000 instead of the one leg Cronkite that gets them home at 1400.

Or they’ll take the latest flight they can they gives them 20 minutes to get off their commute and make it across the airport to check in at their gate on time.

That’s too much work and too much stress. You have to just roll with things.
And therein someone has let the secret out. That's the #1 rule of a commuter: I have not the asse$ of two rats to give.
I commute from Alabama to SFO, it makes me want to cry.
Quote: And therein someone has let the secret out. That's the #1 rule of a commuter: I have not the asse$ of two rats to give.
This. Accept that you will miss commutes occasionally. If things fall apart, go ahead and try the hail mary plan D (it works surprisingly often) but don't stress over it. Trying even when it looks pretty grim will enhance your statistical reliability, but stressing won't help at all. Gate agents can smell stress and anxiety, and some of them will feed it just for fun.

But do plan ahead, have one backup flight and don't be the guy asking other pilots to give up their JS priority because you rolled through KCM 20 minutes prior to the very last flight which will get you to work. I fell for that a couple times until I recognized the pattern.
Quote: This. Accept that you will miss commutes occasionally. If things fall apart, go ahead and try the hail mary plan D (it works surprisingly often) but don't stress over it. Trying even when it looks pretty grim will enhance your statistical reliability, but stressing won't help at all. Gate agents can smell stress and anxiety, and some of them will feed it just for fun.

But do plan ahead, have one backup flight and don't be the guy asking other pilots to give up their JS priority because you rolled through KCM 20 minutes prior to the very last flight which will get you to work. I fell for that a couple times until I recognized the pattern.
good lord someone would need a pretty damn convincing story to make me give up my jumpseat priority. Anything less than a kid in the hospital is going to get a squinting stare in response. Even then I’d probably still be dubious and wondering if you lied to me.

There is no emotion in commuting. If you get a seat you get a seat. If someone bumps you from the jump... thems the knocks. I had a guy apologize profusely for bumping me once. He got on but looked really guilty about it. Why? Hell I would have booted you from my metal without a second thought. That’s the game.
Commuting essentially adds a second job to the one you already have. Even on easy days, its still the worst thing ever. Id much rather drive 3 hours twice a week than have to worry about a commute.

Once my lease is up where I’m at, I will be moving to base.
I have the option to drive 3 hours or an 1.5 hour commute by air. But even at 2 times a week I wonder how long it would take to hate it.
Quote: I have the option to drive 3 hours or an 1.5 hour commute by air. But even at 2 times a week I wonder how long it would take to hate it.
When you add in all of the extra time at the airport the drive will be better in the end.
Quote: When you add in all of the extra time at the airport the drive will be better in the end.
this. A three hour drive is about what it would take to fly a 30 minute flight with getting to the gate early, boarding, deplaning, etc.

It might cost more in gas, though. If you don’t get reimbursed for parking at your home airport it might be a wash. It’s also more work to drive. If I have a Trip that gets done and 2130 and there is a 2215 flight that gets me home...that would much easier for my tired self than having to get to my car then drive for a few hours. Of course there is something to be said about not having to worry about getting a seat in your Camry.
Quote: I have the option to drive 3 hours or an 1.5 hour commute by air. But even at 2 times a week I wonder how long it would take to hate it.
Yeah you might hate it, but you’re guaranteed to be home the same day. Crack open a red bull, unbutton your shirt, and make a playlist. Youre all set.

On the subject of driving 3 hrs twice a week vs a 30 minute flight, how difficult is it at most regionals with NYC bases to hold trips that have early shows (6 AM or earlier) with late finishes (9 PM or later)?

I live in central CT, which is 2-3 hrs from all 3 NYC airports, so of course I want to absolutely minimize my time in the horrendous traffic, so getting early starts and late finishes would be ideal.

I'd gladly sacrifice some weekends and accept less dense trips to minimize traffic in and out of NYC.
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