Some UPA/TA Tweaks I was thinking about...

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Beards and face tattoos. We have the leverage.
We can easily see how badly the company needs people to get to work on a given day by viewing the bottom of the CCS home page. If your domicile or state of residence (FL) is not listed there, they have decided they don’t need you there that badly. That’s why negotiating for PS will always be a no go…..they can turn the “PS commute switch” on or off as they deem necessary. Someone in Manila will politely answer and take care of you.
Quote: We can easily see how badly the company needs people to get to work on a given day by viewing the bottom of the CCS home page. If your domicile or state of residence (FL) is not listed there, they have decided they don’t need you there that badly. That’s why negotiating for PS will always be a no go…..they can turn the “PS commute switch” on or off as they deem necessary. Someone in Manila will politely answer and take care of you.
Why are we allowing them to incetivize flying with extra-contractual perks like PS commutes? Why allow them to perk some commuters and not others? Aren't we a union?
Quote: Aren't we a union?
Please reference TA1 & the ensuing non-vote in seeking your answer.
Outsider looking in. Can someone summarize your vac rules please. Credit, longevity accrual, ability to slide, add stretch days, does the solver allow you to break it up in a bid period, is there a payout election, and any other pertinent info. Thanks in advance.
I guess Nobody is willing to provide details. From my understanding your vac pays less than 4 credit per day and there’s not a whole lot of provisions/flexibly in moving days around. Nk/f9/b6 (the last 3 alpa contracts) all just increased vac credit to 5 per day. We were told legacies we’re going to pattern bargain off that credit. Needless to say a bit disappointing when it seems that didn’t happen. The 5 credit with provisions in its application is a large QOL gain imo.
Quote: I guess Nobody is willing to provide details. From my understanding your vac pays less than 4 credit per day and there’s not a whole lot of provisions/flexibly in moving days around. Nk/f9/b6 (the last 3 alpa contracts) all just increased vac credit to 5 per day. We were told legacies we’re going to pattern bargain off that credit. Needless to say a bit disappointing when it seems that didn’t happen. The 5 credit with provisions in its application is a large QOL gain imo.
i think no one is willing to explain because it’s very complicated and I don’t understand it. Our vacation doesn’t have a set value per day. Or maybe it does but it changes depending on prorated working days for the month etc. is it becoming obvious that I don’t understand it yet? Lol
Quote: i think no one is willing to explain because it’s very complicated and I don’t understand it. Our vacation doesn’t have a set value per day. Or maybe it does but it changes depending on prorated working days for the month etc. is it becoming obvious that I don’t understand it yet? Lol
Makes sense. Thanks. I believe DL is 345 per vac day? By increasing credit the solver places less flying on your schedule to get to a contractual average line value. Bottom line is the more credit per day of vac the less flying you’ll do in a vac month. At that point provisions can takeover and allow credit to be assigned to those days from a bank or vac days moved around in a bid period to allow greater flexibility.
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