Oh boy, another day of training.

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Quote: Unpopular opinion here, but I think we should have more in person training (& less CBTs). The only caveat is the in person training shpuld focus on CRM type information and not the NPS score nonsense.
Not necessarily an “unpopular” opinion. I believe most of us would like the quality of the training to be improved, not just increasing the quantity. I personally am sick and tired of the corporate DEI nonsense and anti bribery garbage. How about we focus on subjects that make an actual contribution to the pilot profession, such as CRM, human factors and systems training. But hey, I’m just a pilot so what do I know.
Quote: Just make new announcements to the pax that no need to worry if tire falls off since plenty of extra wheels on the gear and today you're flying onboard an all terrain 737 equipped for off road/runway/taxiway performance .
Ah so that's what the new PPD is going to cover. Well then I retract my criticism.
Quote: Not necessarily an “unpopular” opinion. I believe most of us would like the quality of the training to be improved, not just increasing the quantity. I personally am sick and tired of the corporate DEI nonsense and anti bribery garbage. How about we focus on subjects that make an actual contribution to the pilot profession, such as CRM, human factors and systems training. But hey, I’m just a pilot so what do I know.
In that case change state and federal laws to reduce mandatory HR topics and training and then be prepared to see your profit sharing cut thanks to paying out discrimination lawsuits. Or you can just mute your EFB, grab a beer, watch a ballgame and click a button for an hour and get paid a few hundred bucks for it.
Quote: In that case change state and federal laws to reduce mandatory HR topics and training and then be prepared to see your profit sharing cut thanks to paying out discrimination lawsuits. Or you can just mute your EFB, grab a beer, watch a ballgame and click a button for an hour and get paid a few hundred bucks for it.
All points are valid for sure, I do like the beer idea!

In Unity...
Quote: Not necessarily an “unpopular” opinion.
I would much prefer in person as long as the subject material is beneficial. I enjoy the training aspect of this job. It’s nice to break up the monotony of line flying. Although, it kinda sucks because DEN is a hike for some of us east coast commuters. I feel like the push from in person to CBT is going to too far. I like interacting with the class, talking shop, learning lessons, and maybe making a new friend for two since this job often leaves many of us to never see someone we fly with again. I get that a 35 year guy may look at this and think it’s stupid. But this is my opinion which is worth nothing.
Quote: You know, I am going to complain about it. Because this is reactionary public relations BS. And from the sounds of it its going to be another PPD class which means I can look forward to wasting six hours of my day at TK watching movie clips from Tom Hanks movies that are supposed to really make me think.
it’s not reactionary, it was in the works long before the latest string of events. Been in development for almost a year now.
Quote: it’s not reactionary, it was in the works long before the latest string of events. Been in development for almost a year now.
I hate to say this, but I think the extra day is a great idea. Since the merger when all the training went stupid, we've needed some sort of continuing CRM. The stuff in CQDL is not adequate. NH's also need to be better integrated into this. Sorry, but helping Javier with ratting on a fellow employee is not CRM.

UAL invented CRM, way back to the Portland DC-8 accident. It's embarrasing what the CRM training has become. We are finally getting over the merger hangover in regards to training and high time to address it. Unfortunately, the FAA is now involved. As a consequence of the latest mishaps, which was predictable from the training stanpoint, the company will also include a bunch of CS and HR add ons. Which is fine as long as we get some good meat to the CRM aspects.

In the last couple of years, I do think training has been pretty good. We can do better. Now, if I could just remember, is it "Upset" or "Attitude'?
Quote: All points are valid for sure, I do like the beer idea!

In Unity...
Howzit? United in the press. Have you found anything to complain about yet?
Quote: I hate to say this, but I think the extra day is a great idea. Since the merger when all the training went stupid, we've needed some sort of continuing CRM. The stuff in CQDL is not adequate. NH's also need to be better integrated into this. Sorry, but helping Javier with ratting on a fellow employee is not CRM.

UAL invented CRM, way back to the Portland DC-8 accident. It's embarrasing what the CRM training has become. We are finally getting over the merger hangover in regards to training and high time to address it. Unfortunately, the FAA is now involved. As a consequence of the latest mishaps, which was predictable from the training stanpoint, the company will also include a bunch of CS and HR add ons. Which is fine as long as we get some good meat to the CRM aspects.

In the last couple of years, I do think training has been pretty good. We can do better. Now, if I could just remember, is it "Upset" or "Attitude'?
Its been 14 years "since the merger"...

The legacy blame game is even older...some people just can't let go
Quote: I hate to say this, but I think the extra day is a great idea. Since the merger when all the training went stupid, we've needed some sort of continuing CRM. The stuff in CQDL is not adequate. NH's also need to be better integrated into this. Sorry, but helping Javier with ratting on a fellow employee is not CRM.
That’s a good point.

10 years ago, which is the ancient times for a lot of NHs, we’d actually get together once a year for a CRM class.

Looking back, those were beneficial classes that gave us the opportunity to talk through difference scenarios in a group setting. Not once did we learn how to make a better PA.

Let’s get back to that.
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