FedEx on DHL part II

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Quote: Feel free to report posts/threads that violate TOS. The mods can't catch them all.

I hardly think Jetcareers is a commercial site, as opposed to Fedex, but to each his own.

Any complaints about the TOS, or mod enforcement of TOS, can be forwarded to the admins. That would be HSLD or Freight Dog.

As a mod, any thread that causes my puter to say "don't click on that" will most likely be removed to protect the masses. Doesn't matter if it has to do with Fedex, UPS, or the price of tea in China.

Thanks for your support.
Well, I didn't PM you or anyone else about the previous post (switch to UPS...) because frankly until this thread I had no idea that posting a link was against the TOS rules...

Nowadays, when I get an email telling me someone responded to a thread I'm interested in I hurry to check it out in case the thread gets closed down. That's not a joke, it seem to be much more common than say 2-3 years ago. I'm not criticizing you or anyone in particular but that's my observation.

...and, yes I'd PMed the owner about it in the past. I felt that we, the users should be able to rank those who post messages here and once a person reaches a certain level of negative comments (BS-meter ) he/she should be locked out for a period of time.
TOS excerpt:

"Any solicitation, link, or promotion may be removed at the sole discretion of the administrators. If you wish to advertise on our forum please contact us to discuss affordable advertising rates"
Quote: I'm not a mod, but please all stay on thread, this is a thread about the best BBQ (particularly in the Memphis area) Especially since my new Nav job is in Millington. (TIC) <g>
Oh yea! Well, back when Millington was just a Navy base, my reserve sqdn used to fly into Millington all the time for lunch at the golf course - BBQ, of course! While it's been awhile, and I don't know if they still serve BBQ there, I seem to remember it was pretty darn good! Of course, I had never tried any other Memphis style BBQ up to then.

definition: golf - an activity/hobby that that man of action, JJ, may not have been bored enough to try yet!
Quote: TOS excerpt:

"Any solicitation, link, or promotion may be removed at the sole discretion of the administrators. If you wish to advertise on our forum please contact us to discuss affordable advertising rates"

And I assume the highlighted portion is the intent!

I agree, if someone is pimping their business or something for personal gain, yes their post/link should be banned. In regards to the FedEx link, I can see the concern you may have with the popup warning your computer gave you, however, I don't think anyone was posting it for "buy my stuff" reasons. With all of the DHL/UPS, DHL/ABX/ASTAR, DHL/Duetchse Post, DHL/FDX, etc going around, I think it adds to the discussion somewhat, if just to expand on the scope of the issues the DHL, et al folks are experiencing and up against (pop up not withstanding).

BBQ posts, thanks for not deleting. I get get no personal gain from those links other than to share my experiences and the satisfaction of someone experiencing a better BBQ experience!

Jetcareers - do you or this site receive income from that site at all? I see links for merchandise and lots of advertisements. Just askin'.
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