Question For The Riddle Guys

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Quote: These are the old flight courses when we were Part 142. It'll be a little different now, but overall, about the same costs. As a Part 141, there is now the option of doing the single engine or the multi engine track. Single engine saves about $8,000 overall.
I love how they dropped the 142 program real quick. We were 141 when I started and they had just begun doing students as 142... in fact I think my Comm-Se was 142 (which sucked.... ground ref manuevers in a dang sim... how retarded!)
Actually, the sim is pretty useful for ground ref, if your instructor knows how to use it right.

Quote: I love how they dropped the 142 program real quick. We were 141 when I started and they had just begun doing students as 142... in fact I think my Comm-Se was 142 (which sucked.... ground ref manuevers in a dang sim... how retarded!)
Really? Cuz that sucks, I did Single Commercial Add-on Part 142 style and only had one sim.

And I do agree that if the instructor knows how to use the FTD, it can be very beneficial. I used it quite a bit for a student not understanding how wind affects final approach. The student learned pretty well what happens and how to correct. The sim isn't good with the whole flare/touchdown aspect, that's for tends to give you twice the effect of what ground effect does.
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