Manhattan crash was deliberate...?

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Sorry you feel that way, Grandpa and FlyerJosh. I, however, will continue to remain on the forum and NOT give in to the "mentality" here. If indeed these are your last posts, good luck to you both.
Quote: Oh, flyerJosh, don't be such a woman! I am a devout Catholic and am sorry to see people die, too. I do belive, however, that someday we are all accountable for our actions. I am passing judgement on no one; just sticking up for the bill of rights(i.e. freedom of speech)
Nobody is denying your right to free speech. Its a 2 way street, when people say things like "Good I'm glad hes dead" they should expect that people with some moral fiber will question their lack of morals. Oh btw if you truley were a catholic (like myself) then you would know what I mean. Of course these days everyone is a "christian" but just in name only.
Quote: Oh, flyerJosh, don't be such a woman! I am a devout Catholic and am sorry to see people die, too. I do belive, however, that someday we are all accountable for our actions. I am passing judgement on no one; just sticking up for the bill of rights(i.e. freedom of speech)
Hate to have to be the one to break it to such a devout Catholic, but you are not the one in charge of making the call on the quality of someone's life actions. Besides, I've never come across it in the Bible where it says that a scab is going to hell, but then again, it isn't up to me, is it?

BTW, I don't support crossing a picket line, for the record. I just think that some respect should be paid to they that have passed.
Actually I go to church twice a week. Can commonly be seen in the chapel at many aiports. I never said they(scabs) were going to hell. I made a blanket statement about peoples actions. I do believe you can find that in anyone of the four gospels. Christian on paper? NOt me.
Quote: Oh, flyerJosh, don't be such a woman! I am a devout Catholic and am sorry to see people die, too. I do belive, however, that someday we are all accountable for our actions. I am passing judgement on no one; just sticking up for the bill of rights(i.e. freedom of speech)
Doesn't sticking up for the Bill of Rights and Freedom of Speech also make you a liberal?

Labels of being liberal/conservative - Republican/Democrat are rather silly these days because the lines are so blurred. All politicians and people of different political persuasions sell out for the highest bidder. Am I wrong here?...straying off topic...

And that being said, HotMama (and everyone else), I agree with your right to publicly speak your opinion, and I also agree that SCABS are Bullsh*t people. I don't like "sellouts" of any political persuasion or profession!

BUT, Truly it is cold to speak of this man, and summarize this man's life and character, when he's still warm in the morgue (if he's even made it there yet). I agree with Wild, Josh, and Grandpa on that! It's in poor taste. He is a human being and we all deserve a little dignity.
Quote: Cory Lidle crossed the MLB picket line in 1995, in baseball as in the airlines, once a SCAB always a SCAB.
Wow. Your stock just went down in my book. Everything you said is pretty darn low. As well as plain retarded.
Quote: That's my opinion. An airplane out of control goes close to straight down into the ground. The odds of hitting a building, let alone a 50 story one, is very very remote.

The talking heads on TV are feeding us again a bunch of speculation, NONE of which includes the very real and likely possibility that this was a suicide crash.

Another guess on my part is that it was aimed at a former lover or boss.


NONE of which includes the very real and likely possibility that this was a suicide crash? They are speculating on it yet you are with absolutely no information to back? I don't know who's worse. The fact that they were sending out a distress call for fuel issues along with the fact that TWO people in the aircraft would have had to agree on suicide makes me think you are one of the most stupid people on this board along with those that agree. To come out and denouce someone's name by stating it was a "VERY REAL AND LIKELY POSSIBILITY" that they committed suicide yet you don't have any evidence what-so-ever only leads me to believe that there is a "VERY REAL AND LIKELY POSSIBILITY" that you are a complete moron. Not to mention you ended it with "Another guess". Moron. What you think they faked the call then sat there and counted 22 stories up on the building while going in on a low visibility day? Witnesses say they saw it come out of a cloud on one report. Not to mention you don't go through the trouble of packing a passport if you planned on just killing yourself.
Quote: I have, the user "navyman_tx" is banned from the site for making physical threats.

Airline Pilot Central and this accompanying forum support and promote pattern bargaining for the betterment of pilot groups in this industry. While it may seem callous or mean-spirited, the absolute disdain for anyone who crosses a picket line is a basic fact of organized labor.

Some of the comments in the thread are not cordial by any stretch, however, we strive to allow a wide latitude in expressing one's opinion. As long as users abide the forum terms of service, we'll continue to extend that latitude.
On a side note HSLD you have quite the writting ability. I read your statement and found it to be perfect. You should write statements professionally. Press releases ect.
Quote: Actually I go to church twice a week. Can commonly be seen in the chapel at many aiports. I never said they(scabs) were going to hell. I made a blanket statement about peoples actions. I do believe you can find that in anyone of the four gospels. Christian on paper? NOt me.
Radical Muslims and Priest go all the time yet splatter the news of illegal activities. To go is one thing. To learn and to practice in the name of faith is another. To judge someone or condemn them is a hubris act. Which in turn, if you believe what the bible says, would damn you to hell... It's kinda ironic like that. I don't go to church though, my belief, and I still find myself taking the moral high ground on this particular thread. So who's better?
Quote: Radical Muslims and Priest go all the time yet splatter the news of illegal activities. To go is one thing. To learn and to practice in the name of faith is another. To judge someone or condemn them is a hubris act. Which in turn, if you believe what the bible says, would damn you to hell... It's kinda ironic like that. I don't go to church though, my belief, and I still find myself taking the moral high ground on this particular thread. So who's better?
What a no-brainer!! YOU are, of course!! Funny how those who are front and center at religious services are the most unforgiving and judgmental among us.
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