Skywest & Republic pilots listen up.

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Quote: Yes, the pilots are the unity problem, not the union who refused to include the organization that represents those pilots.

Because we all know that unity is absolutely impossible without a legally recognized union.
nevets doesn't care about actual unity. he just cares about everyone being in alpa. he couldn't care less if we at skywest actually stand together and keep help keep the industry from falling farther down. he would only care if we were alpa.

if we became alpa, nevets then wouldn't care if we voted in a big concessionary package...he would just hail the fact that we did so as an alpa represented group.
Quote: Here is your unity.....
Best explanation yet!
Quote: ALPA wouldn't let you in the conference, the conference was the idea of some Eagle elected Reps, the same guys who out pressure for the B scale to go down the drain after the AE MEC chairman presented it to the company with ALPA's blessing. The AE MEC chairman along with ALPA national didn't allow SKW and RAH in the call. This did not sit well with the pilot groups and with the LEC reps who did all the leg work to bring everyone together. SKW and RAH union leadership has been contacted and briefed on how everyone will work together from now on whether ALPA likes it or not. We will replace the MEC chairman next week and so far it looks like we will put someone there who will look to work with ALL other regionals. The guy currently sitting there works for management and is protected by ALPA national... The pilots are seeking legal action against him for wasting thousands of dollars and fraud.
Thank you very much for the update. I know there are some people who will always be negative and post about how we can't get along if we aren't all unionized or that if you are unionized you're in the wrong. Every company is different and has reasons for having or not having a union. That should be respected. If you don't work there then you don't know the reasons for others to want to have or not have a union. At SkyWest I am happy to not have a union because I don't think we need one. If I was at Republic, I may feel differently towards unions. Bottom line, I'm just appreciative of hearing that the Eagle pilots (and hopefully all regional pilots) are willing to look beyond the union issue to keep from losing quality of life at any and all of our respective companies. Union or non-union. We are all pretty damn kickass and should get paid more...not accept concessionary contracts. Stay positive and stick together, regardless of what company name is on the nose of the plane in tiny letters that the flying public never notices or really cares about.
Quote: There's our unity folks. Some of us just want to continue riding the coat tails.
Perhaps this issue is bigger than your constant battle against all that is not in total agreement with you - perhaps this is the opportunity to get pilots of all regionals united against the true issue - the unacceptable decrease in pay and work rules for professional pilots, where ever it pokes up it's slimy head.

So, just maybe, at his time, show that you put out your hand to work with all regional pilots, regardless of company, union affiliation (or not), and make this happen. There will always be those that do not help the fight, but this is not a union / non-union fight, this is a pilot vs management fight, and it can be won. Now is the time, if ever.
Look, this is a "stop the whipsaw" campaign. Guess what? Us XJT pilots are getting whipsawed by Skywest pilots! And that's before we get whipsawed against the rest of the industry.

So don't go try to rationalize your coat tail riding! You want to stop the whipsaw? Then the first thing Skywest pilots need to do is unionize! Anything other than that is hypocritical lip service!

Quote: Unity? Once you certify SAPA as your NMB recognized bargaining agent, then you can have credibility when complaining about unity.
Yes, the pilots are the unity problem, not the union who refused to include the organization that represents those pilots.

Because we all know that unity is absolutely impossible without a legally recognized union.
It is fact that whipsaw between the two airlines owned by Skywest will not stop until you guys stop riding coat tails and unionize. But you want to keep using your straw man argument that you don't like ALPA.

Quote: Yes, the pilots are the unity problem, not the union who refused to include the organization that represents those pilots.

Because we all know that unity is absolutely impossible without a legally recognized union.
nevets doesn't care about actual unity. he just cares about everyone being in alpa. he couldn't care less if we at skywest actually stand together and keep help keep the industry from falling farther down. he would only care if we were alpa.

if we became alpa, nevets then wouldn't care if we voted in a big concessionary package...he would just hail the fact that we did so as an alpa represented group.
Everything you just wrote is an absolute lie! Don't go ALPA! But the fact remains that your management will keep whipsawing you against XJT pilots. If you truly wanted to stop the whipsaw, at the very minimum, you guys would unionize.

But I'm sure all we will here are crickets or excuses or rationalization a or in your case, lies.

Quote: ALPA wouldn't let you in the conference, the conference was the idea of some Eagle elected Reps, the same guys who out pressure for the B scale to go down the drain after the AE MEC chairman presented it to the company with ALPA's blessing. The AE MEC chairman along with ALPA national didn't allow SKW and RAH in the call. This did not sit well with the pilot groups and with the LEC reps who did all the leg work to bring everyone together. SKW and RAH union leadership has been contacted and briefed on how everyone will work together from now on whether ALPA likes it or not. We will replace the MEC chairman next week and so far it looks like we will put someone there who will look to work with ALL other regionals. The guy currently sitting there works for management and is protected by ALPA national... The pilots are seeking legal action against him for wasting thousands of dollars and fraud.
Thank you very much for the update. I know there are some people who will always be negative and post about how we can't get along if we aren't all unionized or that if you are unionized you're in the wrong. Every company is different and has reasons for having or not having a union. That should be respected. If you don't work there then you don't know the reasons for others to want to have or not have a union. At SkyWest I am happy to not have a union because I don't think we need one. If I was at Republic, I may feel differently towards unions. Bottom line, I'm just appreciative of hearing that the Eagle pilots (and hopefully all regional pilots) are willing to look beyond the union issue to keep from losing quality of life at any and all of our respective companies. Union or non-union. We are all pretty damn kickass and should get paid more...not accept concessionary contracts. Stay positive and stick together, regardless of what company name is on the nose of the plane in tiny letters that the flying public never notices or really cares about.
It's easy for you to say when it's your group that is being used against your sister airline in order to depress compensation, ie whipsaw. I work for the same CEO and BOD as you do.
So don't go try to rationalize your coat tail riding! You want to stop the whipsaw? Then the first thing Skywest pilots need to do is unionize! Anything other than that is hypocritical lip .
I've read your post for some time now and they are consistently filled with emotional drivel disguised as circular logic at it best.

Assuming SkyWest was Alpa, nothing would preclude them (sw) from
acting in the exact same way. They could, and would, continue to seek the most cost effective business model. And when you got painted into another corner you'd have the exact same situation you're in now. You and your coworkers would be faced with ghe choice of adapting or going away. The fact that SkyWest pilots accept different circumstances than you would wish is none of your business. They have adapted into what they consider a reasonable balance between work rules, pay and growth.

Having a union, in this argument, would make zero difference except perhaps allowing you to feel better. And no one really care if you do.

Having said all that, there are many many positives to having a union. Your whipsaw argument isn't one if them.
ALPA blows!!!
So don't go try to rationalize your coat tail riding! You want to stop the whipsaw? Then the first thing Skywest pilots need to do is unionize! Anything other than that is hypocritical lip .
I've read your post for some time now and they are consistently filled with emotional drivel disguised as circular logic at it best.

Assuming SkyWest was Alpa, nothing would preclude them (sw) from
acting in the exact same way. They could, and would, continue to seek the most cost effective business model. And when you got painted into another corner you'd have the exact same situation you're in now. You and your coworkers would be faced with ghe choice of adapting or going away. The fact that SkyWest pilots accept different circumstances than you would wish is none of your business. They have adapted into what they consider a reasonable balance between work rules, pay and growth.

Having a union, in this argument, would make zero difference except perhaps allowing you to feel better. And no one really care if you do.

Having said all that, there are many many positives to having a union. Your whipsaw argument isn't one if them.
Of course Skywest "management" would continue to act the same way! But I'm talking about the pilots! That is who would be unionized, not management.

Our CEO is whipsawing you against us. Only one way to stop that. That is to unionize and mandate one list. But it seems that most of you so far are happier riding the coat tails than actually doing anything to stop the whipsaw.
Quote: Of course Skywest "management" would continue to act the same way! But I'm talking about the pilots! That is who would be unionized, not management.

Our CEO is whipsawing you against us. Only one way to stop that. That is to unionize and mandate one list. But it seems that most of you so far are happier riding the coat tails than actually doing anything to stop the whipsaw.
Gotcha. I missed the one list thing. Speaking only for myself, I suspect there is a 50/50 chance SAPA would ever official recognized as a union. There is probably a 25% chance (at best) ALPA could make it on property. When it was just ASA, I speculate there was a better than 50/50 chance at one list. But all the mgmt would have to say would be "there would be a forced SW/XJ/ASA integration" and SkyWest pilots would put their pens down and take their chances. It seems the longer you guys take to turn a profit, (for the dozens of reasons both mgmt and pilot induced..relax) the more it solidifies the belief the two pilot cultures are very different. And the more resistant SkyWest pilots are becoming.

I know you like the coat tails argument, and stick with it as long as it works for you. But I encourage you to try a different tact because yours gets zero traction. Unless you're not really interested in changing opinions and simply venting.
Quote: Of course Skywest "management" would continue to act the same way! But I'm talking about the pilots! That is who would be unionized, not management.

Our CEO is whipsawing you against us. Only one way to stop that. That is to unionize and mandate one list. But it seems that most of you so far are happier riding the coat tails than actually doing anything to stop the whipsaw.
Didn't L-ExpressJet have a provision in their contract that stipulated if purchased ALL pilots must be merged into one list? What ever happened with that? Seems you guys had a chance to stop this but folded. Now you keep insisting we fix your problem.
Quote: Cracks me up every time I see some tool wearing with "pride" an ALPA lanyard.
I only wear it because it was free and it stretches.
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