WolfPack ???

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Quote: Thing is Check, he's right. But race of the pilots involved is immaterial. It's their behavior and attitudes that need adjusting!
Actually, it may be material - not because of the wolfpack members though. It's material if there is unwillingness to discipline them on management's part due to fear of potential accusations of racial bias. In other words, political correctness may be resulting in different management behavior toward different pilots. I would prefer that we all be treated alike.

The truth is they were investigated and with ALPA concurrence they were found to have done nothing wrong. No violation of the contract, including digital electronic devices or software. That's the legal part.

We had opportunities to fix this for the last 3 frickin years, but didnt. Didnt even try to. Never came up.

One of the so called WP, was brought in for a hearing, and the company lawyers couldnt find anything that reached to termination. However, he was trading and picking up trips when he was at 350 he got a short period of time off with no pay.

I do believe that bringing up race is ludicrous. IT was more like a squadron mate that BM wouldnt touch. The PC world is alive and well but I think we should stay above that food fight when it comes to heritage/race.
Here's my guess ...
I don't like what the WP is doing. I really don't know and don't care what race, sex or prior military service they are!

We've known for years that Management almost always operates on a "Ready ... Fire ... Aim" policy. If they were able to document that these folks were doing anything "illegal" or even unethical (it should be easy to document!), those people would get fired.

Here's my (semi-educated) guess as to how the "system" works.

- I have flown with pilots that admit to paying schedulers for every "overtime" trip that they get assigned.

- I have good friends that admit to meeting schedulers at local MEM "Watering Holes" for Happy Hour. There's probably nothing illegal about buying a friend a round of drinks?

I suppose it's possible that my "friends" are just big talkers (braggers?). It's not "illegal" to do any of these underhanded, back door, under-the-table, low life, back stabbing personal deals.

It is ... UNETHICAL, and it should be stopped.


So its not a piece of software or a particular methodology that cannot be copied?! What's to stop a different group of guys from conducting a similar operation?

Maybe start a new group. How about we call it Flock of Seagulls?! Who's with me?!!
Quote: The truth is they were investigated and with ALPA concurrence they were found to have done nothing wrong. No violation of the contract, including digital electronic devices or software. That's the legal part.

We had opportunities to fix this for the last 3 frickin years, but didnt. Didnt even try to. Never came up.

One of the so called WP, was brought in for a hearing, and the company lawyers couldnt find anything that reached to termination. However, he was trading and picking up trips when he was at 350 he got a short period of time off with no pay.

I do believe that bringing up race is ludicrous. IT was more like a squadron mate that BM wouldnt touch. The PC world is alive and well but I think we should stay above that food fight when it comes to heritage/race.
So why doesn't ALPA let us all in on the secret?
I have talked to two guys who claimed to be part of the WP. Both were white, and at least one was not a Navy pilot. And yeah, ALPA should let us in on whatever the secret was. If it's nothing more than a group of buddies hawking open time and giving each other trips, they should clear that up once and for all.
If ALPA came out with the secrets to how it is being done, everyone would be able to partake, and the open time distribution would go back to being fair.

Right now, with one small group grabbing all the great deals, it is far from fair, and that does not do justice to the crew force.

ALPA is supposed to represent ALL of us, not just the "special" or "over 54" or most senior.
At this point, all these guys are known. Their VIPs activity is known. They know the big eye of the crew force is on them. They know they have to be above board with regards to inside info and software.

I don't know the trick. I've seen many theories. One last year looked pretty good regarding parking specific pmu request on every day of the month, and it even explained the fz status the trips get.

But I don't know if that theory panned out. The guy who posted it is mia. I do know the same guys still get the same type trips. I'm willing to concede they just know when to submit for these trips to the second, and trade amongst themselves. And I don't think that's extra contractural.
There's a frozen charter in MD open time for 11 Mar. Let's see who gets it. Should be assigned to a VTO line holder since they haven't processed those requests yet.
It depends, as far as who gets that charter. If it just got added, it's too late for a VTO holder to request it. It's remotely possible that nobody would get assigned it, if it"s still frozen when the VTOs are built.
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