Delta flights grounded after systems outage

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Quote: I wonder if anyone extended.
I'm sure they did...look at all the white slips from today...
Quote: I wonder if anyone extended.
Good question...could you imagine if 13000 pilots did exactly and only what the P.W.A spelled out!? The house of cards would come down with a thud! In this negotiating environment you'd think that MGT would want to do what ever it could or at least work with the pilot group a little more so as to avoid any resemblance to todays issues.
Quote: Can't say that I have. The impression I got. "looks like" I'm probably not the only non-insider to notice the impression. So that makes me ask, why? Is there a reason the entire room needs to watch cable news sources together 24/7? Not my department, just curious.

Full disclosure: not ATL based, whenever I'm in that building I am concentrating on training and try to minimize my time there
Every SOC I've ever been in usually has one or more of the major cable news networks up and The Weather Channel up on a few of the big screens. I don't know why they do, but they do. I assume that it's because they can get close to real time info on geo events that may impact ops quicker than any other source.
Quote: Can't say that I have. The impression I got. "looks like" I'm probably not the only non-insider to notice the impression. So that makes me ask, why? Is there a reason the entire room needs to watch cable news sources together 24/7? Not my department, just curious.

Full disclosure: not ATL based, whenever I'm in that building I am concentrating on training and try to minimize my time there

They always have multiple major news outlets on as well as weather so they can instantly see when major worldwide events take place.
Quote: I wonder if anyone extended.
I would bet more pilots extended than not. Extending is the path of least resistance.
Quote: I'm sure they did...look at all the white slips from today...
My category didn't even have one GS, only short notice trip covered by a FO with with a 30XX seniority number. I don't mind though, makes life easy for those on reserve.
Ok, I have seen other OCCs and get the weather related news channels. I'm not really getting everyone watching CNN and CNBC constantly. I assumed one individual or team would monitor world events and then disseminate as necessary. Maybe it's just the way it's always been done. Just like FOX news is required to be on in the pilot lounges at all times. Obviously a big event warrants attention.

I haven't seen the scheduling pit either, but wonder what that working environment is like. I think it might be like watching how hot dogs are made. Some things are better left unseen. Ed's video did leave me scratching my head wondering about the motivation though. I guess I'm the only one.
Quote: Ok, I have seen other OCCs and get the weather related news channels. I'm not really getting everyone watching CNN and CNBC constantly. I would have thought one individual or team would monitor world events and then disseminate as necessary. Obviously a big event warrants attention. I never saw the scheding pit either but wonder what that working environment is like. I think it might be like watching how hot dogs are made. Some things are better left unseen. Ed's video did leave me scratching my head wondering about the motivation though. I guess I'm the only one.

I walk past the OCC multiple times a week. More than one cable news channel is always on the screens.

It's not paranoia if they really are out to get you though, right?
Quote: I walk past the OCC multiple times a week. More than one cable news channel is always on the screens.

It's not paranoia if they really are out to get you though, right?
I have to quit editing my posts and just live with the run on sentences, grammar, spelling and punctuation issues. Damb you're quick clamp! I'm trying not to sound like a third grader or offend the English majors/post police.
Quote: Can't say that I have. The impression I got. "looks like" I'm probably not the only non-insider to notice the impression. So that makes me ask, why? Is there a reason the entire room needs to watch cable news sources together 24/7? Not my department, just curious.

Full disclosure: not ATL based, whenever I'm in that building I am concentrating on training and try to minimize my time there
Several people gave you answers on here. Next time you're in Atlanta, why don't you swing by and ask them? They always enjoy having pilots visit. It's nice being able to meet all the people who work their tails off behind the scenes to keep this operation running smoothly.
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