New Secondary Line Process

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Quote: “I voted yes.”

And I just can’t join in the victimhood. But then again, I don’t watch cable news.....

By the way, I had vacation this month, so I bid a VTO. It was awesome. Always is.....

It isn't victimhood. It is trying to make this place better.

You settled. You were impatient. Obviously there was something in this contract that made you vote yes.

Meanwhile, our competitor gets nearly a 30% raise in their retirement, higher pay rates, and other work rules which rival ours.

They went forward, we went backwards.

I think for so many years people have bragged about how FedEx was the place to be that those here haven't looked beyond the trees to see that things have changed.

And if you're impatient and settle again, we'll have the same results on the next contract.
Just worked on VTO bid. What a piece of crap. They took 1.5 years to come up with this! To busy trying out how to screw us on other contract items vice working on a good VTO bidding program.

I could not figure out when I bid a trip that it did not disappear from the available trips. Made it very difficult to sort through what I bid and did not bid. Bidx does it, why can't our super tech guys figure that out.

Did they have any VTO guys practice it and work out any bugs?

Seems like a huge setback for junior guys in their respective seats once again.
Tuesday, 1120 Memphis time, and the SLG hasn't even started processing.

In the past when I bid VTO, or was forced to bid VTO, at least I got a peak (if you knew where to look) at what was in store for the next month. Is that option now gone, too?
It’s runna couple of times in the 75.

Line Report was accurate
Trips showing in the Deviation GUI

Quote: It isn't victimhood. It is trying to make this place better.

You settled. You were impatient. Obviously there was something in this contract that made you vote yes.

Meanwhile, our competitor gets nearly a 30% raise in their retirement, higher pay rates, and other work rules which rival ours.

They went forward, we went backwards.

I think for so many years people have bragged about how FedEx was the place to be that those here haven't looked beyond the trees to see that things have changed.

And if you're impatient and settle again, we'll have the same results on the next contract.
Great post purple. I’m a long time lurker on this page and finally took the time to make a log in.

FedEx for years was head and shoulders ahead of the industry in pay and work rules however, contract 2015 was a big step back or a neutral step in many areas. The problem we have at purple is that a lot of the senior sector doesn’t take the time to “keep up on the industry”. They don’t know that other airlines have closed the pay and work rule gap.

As Purple said we must educate ourselves on how far the rest of the industry has come back. We must come together and hold the line and become the old FedEx who is once again light years ahead of the rest of the industry. I know it’s hard for some but you may have to actually say “NO” on a vote.
FedEx ALPA have never negotiated a contract better than the rest of the industry. They took the lead by when all the other companies took pay cuts and consessions in their contract after 911. The union is weak and this is widely known. They believe playing niece to the company will gain them something but keep getting the short end of the stick
Could somebody share some examples of what the bottom 10% FO line awards look like, once the process is complete?

Thank you!
Quote: ...... become the old FedEx who is once again light years ahead of the rest of the industry.
Nice sentiment... but it's not rooted in fact or reality.
FedEx was head and shoulders above the industry by default. We had nothing to do with it then and I seriously doubt that's going to change now.

All we've had for years and years are contracts that placate 51% of us with inflation equal raises while they nibble away at work rules brought to us by Tigers with language crafted by negotiators whose skill out-strips ours.

Thinking that is suddenly going to change and we, as a group, are going to actually do what's required to become anything other that what we've always been is just wishful thinking. CBA 2015 proved that like nothing else could.
BTW, how did everyone do with their Secondary lines?
Quote: BTW, how did everyone do with their Secondary lines?
Worst schedule I’ve had since working here, by a long shot.

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