Disappointment in ALPA

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Quote: I agree 100%, IF NOTHING TO HIDE WHY NOT PUBLISH IT?????????????????
I was dressed down when I asked the old Tres. Chair CB about it! Glad there is new blood in that position.
That is the interesting thing - the message to each individual that inquires seems to be:

"You are the only person in the whole union that thinks that something could be amiss. Why do you not trust your elected officials? Are you suggesting that someone is doing something wrong here? State your accusations for the record. 4900 other guys think there is no need for transparency. "

Put it on the next ballot and see....
Quote: Anybody remember Fast Times at Ridgemont High?

Our MEC/LEC are the two cheerleaders at the pep rally trying to build up spirit amongst the student body, represented by our crew force.

The irony is that ALPA is set up with such archaic and inane bylaws and rules that trying to get involved is much more painful than sitting on the sidelines and watching the grass grow. It was apparent today that many pilots have tried to make their points to the MEC/LEC and have been met with the same mantra repeated over and over again. The MEC/LEC members have not been listening, they have been talking down dissension and disagreement with an overwhelming bully pulpit.

Eventually even the hardiest soul will give up when they have beaten their head against the wall enough times, and I am afraid that many of us have reached that point. People ARE trying, and they are being stymied by the very organization that purports to represent us. So be it.

Enough of the protestations to have an better plan or get involved from the uninvolved masses. The leadership has made it clear they would prefer we pay our dues and vote yes to whatever they propose, and we have let them.

I simply hope that the current leadership has some kind of magic bean in their hip pocket to bring the disenchanted back into the fold before our next contract. I agree with them that we need to be unified, but I disagree with them over WHY we are not unified. That will likely never change, hopefully they are right and I am wrong.

Falcon, I don't think you can convince the leadership of this no matter what you do....they have their power base and are NOT going to listen to contra opinions.......thats why we had the caboose union, the buggy whip union and the Auto union lead their members into the ground......BECAUSE THEY WOULD NOT LISTEN TO THEIR MEMBERS....
Now they will say they had 63 % support and turn their heads the other way.
They WILL NOT recognize that, as other people have said 50% of those votes were from people either not interested or not affected so they voted the unions way. Eventually this will be the unions downfall in the airline industry as well....
Hopefully we get some guys that listen before WE get sucked down as well. There were only 36 % that voted against this LOA but I bet it was 80% of those that actually read it!
Quote: Very interesting. I am a former block Rep and Comm Chair. After serving my "time in the barrel" I took about 2years off to upgrade, vacation, time w/family...etc. For the last 3 years I have tried to volunteer for 4 different committees 3 times each. Every time I get this non-commital "we will see what we need" response. At the same time we get these missives calling for all to be involved. These I have learned are just eyewash. If your not exactly of a like mind as the current administration it's "thanks but no thanks". They guard their Ivory Tower very closely. Good Luck
I agree with you on this!

As for not showing up, all the MEC guys have us paying for them to be there, second, 70% live outside Memphis and half of ALL guys are flying at any one time......SO I wonder why only a few show up for a very unpublished non union supported event.

They have now convinced themselves they were Right....don't bother them with a different opinion.
Quote: I agree with you. I was told when I sent my opinion to our leadership about the LOA that "if you are so concerned about this fly out and attend the MEC meeting." Easy for him to say since he gets bumped from trips to attend them.
Agreed. Kind of hard to leave my kids at home when my wife is gone for a wekk long business trip herself. We all done have a June, Wally and Beaver situation either.

As for this forum, I have heard several great ideas about making this MEC more available (via better times for meeting, email, electronic voting, disclosure of trip buy backs, etc)...can those of you on here who are SERIOUSLY considering running for a Block Rep position PM me with your details so that I'll know who to be looking for on the ballots. Thanks.

Fly safe.
week long trip...oops
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