Great Lakes Hiring

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Quote: Agreed. I was once hyped about getting PIC turbine time as fast as possible, and making $16/hour. One thing I learned from my Great Lakes interview (this is what they HR lady actually told me), that with the 15 month training contract, if either you quit OR you get fired, you owe that contract back. I asked her if I failed the checkride in IOE, or any recurrent training, and got fired, if I would have to pay the contract; and she told me YES. I believe she also told me that the $7,500 started accumulating intrest as soon as you got fired or quit. That turned me off.

But back to bradeku's point, if you want 121 experience, and want to be captain after a year, then go for it. If you want to earn money to survive, and to pay off student loans, get a great aerial survey job like I have, or another gig that suits you, and bank $$$; fly a twin a year after you get with the company, and get multi PIC time. I hear the airlines hire from all types of aviation jobs (121, 135, straight CFI, aerial survey). I know, because they hired me straight out of an aerial survey gig.

Just get some experience. Straight out of college I was hyped about flying for the regionals, but once I got out there in the industry, I found other types of aviation jobs. Just explore the possibilities.

Your info about the traning contract is all wrong. Yes $7,500 for 15 months. But you only have to pay if you quit before the 15 mos is up. If you get fired you DO NOT have to pay. If you fail during training being in ground school, CPT, Sim, or even on your checkride, YOU DO NOT PAY! get your facts right.
Quote: Your info about the traning contract is all wrong. Yes $7,500 for 15 months. But you only have to pay if you quit before the 15 mos is up. If you get fired you DO NOT have to pay. If you fail during training being in ground school, CPT, Sim, or even on your checkride, YOU DO NOT PAY! get your facts right.
The lady that makes the class schedule told me, directly, if I were to fail or get fired, I would still be liable with interest. This is what she told me, so that is the factual information I received.
Well as for productive conversation Sapd: I got hired with 950/110 and upgraded in 7 months and have about 2300 TT 750 TPIC.

Why is it that so many people who DO NOT work here or have old second hand information choose to post about GLA like you are in the know? Notice that the people ripping on this place do not work here. Yes I too have my moments where I like to ***** about something QOL here but as a whole I and happy with the choice to come here (just like the my friends who have been hired directly from lakes to Delta, NWA, NJA, Alligent, Southwest (one just last week), corporate, ect...). I am not saying this is the only place to get hired from or saying that Lakes is whats right for everyone, not at all. However, a two to three year stay at Lakes accelerates a pilot to the next step (the career job) and as mentioned in previous posts the pay issues spread out over the long term more than make this time just fine with me. It is true that some have chosen to lateral out of here to another regional but the implication that this is a required step of even close to the norm is simply false. I am not arguing rather just putting the information out there as the whole point of this thread is for people seeking information while making the decsion whether or not to try to work here.

To clear up soem misconceptions that have not yet been addressed on this thread. It is correct that with ATP min's and 300 in type you can bid upgrade and will likely get it the next month. We do not fly around all day on autopilot in the Beech as we do not have one, no GPS either (we are /a). True there is no cancelation pay so if you do hit a rough spot with some canceled flights it sucks however I flew 116 hours in October (we are 135 duty time rules) so I don't mind an occaional cancelation! The implication about reserve hell was in reference to CA's with low senority I believe and can say that the returning CA's who are furloughed from other airlines and back in the left seat at Lakes have been flying pleanty. STL was a junior base and there were about 12 displaced out there for a month or two before being able to bid Denver however that is NO LONGER THE CASE. That was about 6 months ago and now the STL base is either TDY MKE or DEN but there are no STL lines right now with no signs of any displacements anytime soon so you will hold Denver as a new hire.

Finally I too would like to speak to the bring the industry down comments. I fly 19 seat airplanes for 19 seat pay. I am not going to rip on your choice because that is right for you but don't act like you are a hero for "not lowering the bar" when reffering to Lakers. The only ones who should be ripping on Lakes are current and ex-lakers! Once a laker always a laker!
Putting everyone down is a great trait of this industry. So is misguided arrogance. As long as you are working, being safe, and are happy then more power to you.

I just wish more pilots took the time to learn to spell. We "collectively" set the bar my friends.
Quote: I fly 19 seat airplanes for 19 seat pay.

A very good post, except for that one line... You fly a 19 seat airplane for what they offer to pay you to do it, not for what it should pay.

The responsibilities of being PIC in a transport category aircraft, even a B1900, are worth more than what they, and some others, offer.

Other than that it is a great way to build PIC time to go someplace else, and that is what their management is counting on. People willing to do it for little or nothing to gain PIC time to go someplace else...

In the old days, not too long ago, we all did it when we were CFI's... we'd go ride right seat, many times for no pay at all, in the King Air, or Baron or whaever to gain the extra flight time to get that wondeful first regional job.... and since there was, at the time, a never ending supply of eager people willing to do it for next to nothing, the job paid nothing. It hasn't changed much, and neither have we.
Quote: A very good post, except for that one line... You fly a 19 seat airplane for what they offer to pay you to do it, not for what it should pay.

The responsibilities of being PIC in a transport category aircraft, even a B1900, are worth more than what they, and some others, offer.
FWIW, the 1900 is a Commuter Category aircraft.
Quote: From talking to my three friends who are captains, and my one friend as an FO almost ready to upgrade, back in late August, it looked like fresh pilots out of classes were immediately transitioning to right seat. If there is a reserve, I don't think it is that long. I know they will be sending you to the STL base, and from my understanding, the STL bases are short staffed.
I wouldn't be too worried about the STL base. Currently there are no lines out of STL and it would not surprise me if the base was to close early next year! Expect reserve to be 1-2 months, however I have been hearing that even on reserve, some pilots have been getting 80+ hours a month!

Let the RJ guys fly there RJs, when they are looking to upgrade, i'll be looking at the majors or Cargo! BTW..I have been there 6 months and I have got about 550 hours with Lakes....I would love to see the average RJ FO with those times!!
Quote: BTW..I have been there 6 months and I have got about 550 hours with Lakes....I would love to see the average RJ FO with those times!!
Ugh, that sounds dreadful. You boys have fun with that.
Quote: I have been there 6 months and I have got about 550 hours with Lakes....I would love to see the average RJ FO with those times!!
Ok, this is too easy. I'll just smile to myself, besides RJ FOs can only do 100/month and 1000/year.

It's fun for now, but after a year you'll be happy when they're not working you that much. I enjoy what I do, but flying shouldn't be the only thing in your life. Getting 14 or 16 days a month off while still making good money is the goal.

Have fun.

Quote: Ugh, that sounds dreadful. You boys have fun with that.
At this stage of entry level job where you'll be payed below poverty if you fly an RJ or a 1900, you might as well get the most flight time out of it rather than sitting in a crash pad flying once a month like those who aren't furloughed are doing right now.
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