Fred Smith on CNBC

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Personally, I gotta go with Fred on this one. Right now the economy is soured, but by in large it's not horrible. There's no soup lines, and I think 90-93% of people who want a job have one. The problem has become that the uncertainty has caused the average consumer to slack up on consuming. Yes, the credit crunch hit us hard, but we didn't need to buy huge houses on fast food salaries. DO banks need to fail, sure some of them do. Do more Harvard MBA's need to be taking jobs as shoe shiners... why not? it's capitalism at work.

Unfortunately, we're bombarded by the news people 24 hours a day how horrible things are (Liberal or Conservative biased, both of them know bad news is better for ratings).

How do we fix it, lets try first by listening to some one who has a clue what is coming in and going out of this country. Some one who built and business no one thought would work, (and apparently did a good bit of that building during the recession in the early 80's), who may have a little bit of knowledge that the world isn't imploding. Let's hope our leaders in government won't repeat past mistake (though I'm less hopeful here, and I mean both parties).

And for godsakes turn off FOXNews, CNN, MSNBC, Al Jazeira, and any other news networks for a few hours, poor a tall, cold adult beverage, do some internet shopping (don't buy things you can't afford), and watch a Girls Next Door marathon. If it's really important news that affects you, you'll probably know about it before CNN reporst it to you.

end of rant. Back to Superbowl commercial watching.
Quote: That's why they aren't on the street now.

If things get worse, 800 overmanned turns into 1000 overmanned.

exactly...the company does not want to furlough....and because the union knows this they need to get back to the table and talk....find some resolutions and stop the letter writing and he said she said...get back to the table...too many careers and families are involved in this one!...we will get through this and hopefully with no job losses....
Quote: exactly...the company does not want to furlough....and because the union knows this they need to get back to the table and talk....find some resolutions and stop the letter writing and he said she said...get back to the table...too many careers and families are involved in this one!...we will get through this and hopefully with no job losses....
Get back to the table and discuss what? What do you want the union to give them? The union spent all year talking and the company cut MBLG unilaterally. I think they are tired of talking with no result. I know I am.
tired of talking!...are u kidding me?...that is their job!!!!...please tell me u don't think they have nothing to talk about!...enjoy the game!
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