Latest Mesa News... Straight From Paul Foley

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Quote: Thought OJ was in Jail???
Quote: Correct..........both slash indiscriminantly for their own needs without concern of the effect on others or future consequneces for themselves.
Some much hate for Detective Nordberg
Quote: Why wouldn't you prefer your company to grow?

no no I understand of course you would want your company to grow. I'm just saying out of everyone, those guys at ExpressJet haven't seen new flying come their way in a long time. It'd be nice to see a bone thrown their way.
Quote: no no I understand of course you would want your company to grow. I'm just saying out of everyone, those guys at ExpressJet haven't seen new flying come their way in a long time. It'd be nice to see a bone thrown their way.
These planes will not be replaced by 50 seaters. Otherwise why take out dirt cheap mesa crj200s in the first place? UA is in love with bigger RJs. I can think of a whole bunch of places that would love the mesa crj200 ord/iad flying.
Quote: These planes will not be replaced by 50 seaters. Otherwise why take out dirt cheap mesa crj200s in the first place? UA is in love with bigger RJs. I can think of a whole bunch of places that would love the mesa crj200 ord/iad flying.

True UA does love the 50+ seat markets, but if they put 70 and 90 seaters on some of those routes (ORD-LAN, AZO, Owasso etc) I'd be really surprised. I agree the higher fuel prices get the more seats on an RJ the better but that doesn't mean 50 seat markets no longer exist. Mesa does a lot of flying that the 70/90 seaters would support, but they also do a lot of flying where anything bigger than 50 seats doesn't make sense.
Quote: True UA does love the 50+ seat markets, but if they put 70 and 90 seaters on some of those routes (ORD-LAN, AZO, Owasso etc) I'd be really surprised. I agree the higher fuel prices get the more seats on an RJ the better but that doesn't mean 50 seat markets no longer exist. Mesa does a lot of flying that the 70/90 seaters would support, but they also do a lot of flying where anything bigger than 50 seats doesn't make sense.
Can't UAL only have 70 seat RJs??? Didn't think UAL scope allowed for +70 seaters...
The Mesa rumor is not true. The source of the rumor; Paul Foley is a senior manager. A senior manager with a large amount of stock options will never, in public, speak of the demise of his company.
Quote: UAL can not just cancel the contract. Mesa would takes United to court an win. Just look at Delta.
Maybe, but all UAL has to do is withhold payments. By the time it went to court Mesa would be but a memory.
Give it up guys, it's just a baseless rumor.
Quote: The Mesa rumor is not true. The source of the rumor; Paul Foley is a senior manager. A senior manager with a large amount of stock options will never, in public, speak of the demise of his company.
Depends what type of options his friends are holding for him... a bunch of puts would be nice with a tumbling stock price....
It also could be helpful if the company is plannign to buy back a quantity of outstanding public stock.
Quote: Depends what type of options his friends are holding for him... a bunch of puts would be nice with a tumbling stock price....
It also could be helpful if the company is plannign to buy back a quantity of outstanding public stock.
You can't trade options on this POS stock. At least I don't think u can, but what do I know?
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