Should I become a Pilot?

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Quote: its a good thing you point out its the Air national guard and not the Army guard. Avoid anything with "Army" in it because its under funded and chances are you will be suffering.
Whats wrong with the Army Guard? Suffering builds character.
Quote: My second backup plan is an engineering degree. The reason engineering is not my first choice is that I don't enjoy it as much as flying. I never liked school, and I don't think I would like a white-collar desk job much better. I am not very good at math, and that is a large part of engineering..
Engineering may not be a good back up plan for you. Do you like anything else?
It's nice you have an end-game plan, but how you do you plan on getting to those jobs? You can have all the internal recommendations you want, but you have to qualify for the job, that is the key! So figure out what it will take to get where you want to be. Who knows, you might stumble upon something that fits you even better!
Quote: Engineering may not be a good back up plan for you. Do you like anything else?
One of his first posts mentioned computers. While a traditional Comp Sci degree does involve tons of math, there are business degrees with a computer concentration without the math burdens. At least that's the way it was in 85.
Quote: Go for it! If you really love it, then you won't turn back! You can get your ratings at an FBO; go to an aviation college; take the military route; the possibilities are numerous. Do your research, and choose the path that suits your personality, goals, and FINANCIAL SITUATION the best! Don't go into huge debt just to get a degree, or go the military route JUST TO FLY. But, there is a very important thing you can do right now to preserve your passion for aviation and desire to pursue your career.
This thing is to never come to this website until you at least have your commercial pilot's license and have dedicated yourself to this profession.
There are great people on here who will teach you a lot, but there is SO MUCH NEGATIVITY. I predict the majority of people who respond to this thread will say "don't go into aviation." People on here can and will suck the passion out of you. You're 14, and I won't speak down to you or condescend, but you still are relatively inexperienced in this industry and making your decisions as of now on pure love of flying. But, when you hear people on here call it "glorified bus driving," "staring at a wall for hours," "boring blue collar, time-card punching monotony" and things of the sort, you will be hearing things you never thought your dream career would be likened to - I know I sure didn't. I held flying as the highest of all professions - a truly noble job - until I came on here. I still hold aviation in very high regards, but all the negativity wore me down and I lost countless nights of sleep thinking about how pilots could hate what they did so much and tell other people not to "make the mistake they did by entering the industry." Would I be doomed to participate in a failing industry that would run me into the ground? (Nobody on here answer this question for me haha ) I guess I love it too much to quit, and I can laugh about it all now, but I'd advise staying clear of this website for a while. Don't let these people squash your innocent passion for flying.

*late-night rant over. time for some SLEEP*
Agreed 100% with this. I'm don't have any experience in the industry as I'm only a low time private pilot, but planespotta is correct about the negativity. With such comments as "I wouldn't even wish this profession upon my worst enemy," the Internet is not the place to go for inspiration. Pilots talk about flying for an airline like they'd rather get their teeth pulled by a rusty wrench. Surprisingly, ive even seen the word "suicide" come up a few times, though luckily never on this forum.

If it's your passion, stay positive and keep motivated. Remember that most entry level jobs don't pay much, and all professions have suffered serious layoffs, pay cuts, and downsizing in this economy. A period of aggressive hiring by the airlines is in the near future, the student pilot base is shrinking, and the military is putting out fewer pilots due to downsizing, budget cuts and UAVs.
Quote: Of course it's worth it !!!! Heck, work for FREE !!!!!!!!!!!!

And then, like is so often seen in this forum, reality sets in.
i thought you're satisfied with pay over at arik? flying in nigeria is no longer appealing to you?
Quote: i thought you're satisfied with pay over at arik? flying in nigeria is no longer appealing to you?

Wow, this thread was brought back from the dead.

Not sure how my comments to a 14 year old aspiring aviator have anything to do with my pay or conditions.
my two cents..

those that are cranky about their pilot job are probably cranky about any other job they might have.

attitude is everything.
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