Texting pilot crashes air ambulance.

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Quote: I Call BULL**** on the texting. I also call BULL**** on ANY Captain who says no texting at gate or push. Taxing, takeoff and landing its not a good idea. Other than that not a problem. Get over yourselves and realize it won't ever stop. People will always be connected no matter what law or reg.
Wow!!! If you were flying with me you could text all the way back into the gate where you would be replaced!
Quote: I Call BULL**** on the texting. I also call BULL**** on ANY Captain who says no texting at gate or push. Taxing, takeoff and landing its not a good idea. Other than that not a problem. Get over yourselves and realize it won't ever stop. People will always be connected no matter what law or reg.
No texting once motion starts, unless there's a long stationary delay.

Just like talking during sterile, it's a violation of SOP and leaves a paper trail...why set yourself up.

Even with the aircraft stopped in a lineup it's still technically a violation, but I figure I could talk my way out of that one.

Lifers may be more prone to text or allow it, since they would almost certainly survive the first violation. But if you're upwardly mobile, this is definitely NOT something you want to be explaining to a panel of 50+ y/o captains at a major airline interview.
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