FX - Expense Report Program Nightmare

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Expenses move, banks are fixed.
The new latest and greatest Pilot Online Travel system soon to be rolled out. Positive reports from the beta testers. God help us, not another nightmare...
Yes, and from the looks of the instructions the ability to purchase a ticket and then waiting to deviate until the contractually required time of 60 hours prior is gone. Now in order to purchase a deviation ticket you must deviate at the time of purchase.
Better finish up my old claims by May 12
Quote: Yes, and from the looks of the instructions the ability to purchase a ticket and then waiting to deviate until the contractually required time of 60 hours prior is gone. Now in order to purchase a deviation ticket you must deviate at the time of purchase.
Guess we'll have to just give corporate travel our business, and stay away from the website. Bummer, I prefer to book my own tickets. I wonder if it's that way for the back end too, where now you only have to deviate 8 hours prior.
Quote: Yes, and from the looks of the instructions the ability to purchase a ticket and then waiting to deviate until the contractually required time of 60 hours prior is gone. Now in order to purchase a deviation ticket you must deviate at the time of purchase.
If true, this is totally UNSAT . Buying a ticket and deviating are independent actions according to the CBA. I remember a couple of years ago when suddenly the Global/corporate travel folks refused to book deviation tickets unless we had 'already deviated'. After many angry phone calls to the union and company, that 'policy' was rescinded.

We best go charge up our phones.
Quote: Yes, and from the looks of the instructions the ability to purchase a ticket and then waiting to deviate until the contractually required time of 60 hours prior is gone. Now in order to purchase a deviation ticket you must deviate at the time of purchase.
I just looked at it quickly, but it looks like if you use the "Staging Request" link, you'll be able to buy a ticket without deviating, then at a later time you can use the "Deviate Without Ticket Request." I don't know why they used different terminology, but it looks like those two links will allow you to do what you were asking.
Just another example of the new, improved VIPS web page. It's new for everyone and improved to ensure more frustration and heartburn with more involved work arounds for the crew force. Happens so often that they had to divert the programmers time and effort to fix it...same guys that "fixed" us up with the FOX expense system a few years ago, then "improved" it recently......

Clearly, the new flow is to assist those of us who manage to have 2 reservations and forget to cancel one in the required timeframe. Nothing easier than to prevent two reservations in the first place.

So glad I have the seagulls watching our collective backs. They are probably composing an advisory letter on this issue as I write this.....not as a disciplinary measure, of course, but rather a friendly reminder...

It'll start with, "there seems to be some confusion".
Quote: It'll start with, "there seems to be some confusion".
Yup... Confusion on the part of the pilots regarding how seagulls and their minions interpret and implement unwritten policies.

Can you say "catering parameters?"
How about "approved fare acceptance" (that one is many years old at this point...)

Floor is open for further examples...have fun!!!
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