Alaska selling some 319's?

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5 reductions, and about 500 texts from scheduling to "help them out" because the were short captains and FOs. Between not having enough crews, and their Friday ops rain meltdown, I wonder if it was worth stepping over a dollar to pick up a penny...
Funny how they text/email begging for help then cherry pick the few trips they want to offer premium for. Why not make all trips premium? Even regionals don't do it this way.
Quote: Funny how they text/email begging for help then cherry pick the few trips they want to offer premium for. Why not make all trips premium? Even regionals don't do it this way.
Because our intrepid pilots will probably still pick them up regardless.
Quote: 5 reductions, and about 500 texts from scheduling to "help them out" because the were short captains and FOs. Between not having enough crews, and their Friday ops rain meltdown, I wonder if it was worth stepping over a dollar to pick up a penny...
To be fair, those reductions are effective May 1st with the Airbus block hour reduction. The current December and January ops are not affected by that reduction bid.
This is a great time of year to help out your fellow pilots and grab some p2p trades.....for all you superheroes so inclined to go, “above and beyond”....
Quote: This is a great time of year to help out your fellow pilots and grab some p2p trades.....for all you superheroes so inclined to go, “above and beyond”....
Amen, there's no shortage of them either
Quote: Amen, there's no shortage of them either
How do you think you get to be an "Alaska Legend"? Hint: It isn't due to flying skill.
Quote: How do you think you get to be an "Alaska Legend"? Hint: It isn't due to flying skill.
Well I'm talking about P2P pickups, not open time. Plenty of ways currently on the trade board to enrich yourself AND help fellow pilots at the same time.
anyone hear anything about an inflight engine failure today?
Quote: Well I'm talking about P2P pickups, not open time. Plenty of ways currently on the trade board to enrich yourself AND help fellow pilots at the same time.
Except a lot of those P2P advertisements are broken up trips starting/ending at different airports to make the original poster’s life easier (commuter most likely or a guy who doesn’t wanna fly much and get more time off). The 5 hr min DP doesn’t apply to those broken up portions. Also, reserve pilots can only pick up pure OT and not P2P.
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