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Quote: Awsome news!!! Was your friend in the morning? I was 0230 so I would be way down the list. I hope to start on the 10th but it will probably be the 24th for my time slot.
Yeah I was 1:30pm...holy cow here we go!
Quote: Yeah I was 1:30pm...holy cow here we go!
I wonder if anyone has been informed about making it out of phase 2 of the may 3rd people? Especially if they are starting on the 27th. :-)
I interviewed on May 3rd. I am hoping to hear positive news tomorrow or shortly thereafter!
Quote: I interviewed on May 3rd. I am hoping to hear positive news tomorrow or shortly thereafter!
That's awsome, what time did you interview?
Quote: I wonder if anyone has been informed about making it out of phase 2 of the may 3rd people? Especially if they are starting on the 27th. :-)
Most in my class didn't get the "congrats you passed phase II" until we were finishing training, so don't be surprised if you don't hear anything about it for a while!
Quote: Most in my class didn't get the "congrats you passed phase II" until we were finishing training, so don't be surprised if you don't hear anything about it for a while!
Thanks for the info!! I am not waiting by the computer for that cleared phase 2 email.
I interviewed at 9:30am
Quote: Thanks for the info!! I am not waiting by the computer for that cleared phase 2 email.
in 08' I didnt get past phase 2 until 2 days before final sim check or there abouts. Unless you've done something that you lied about, then lied about it and got caught in your lies... your good. Moral of the story is disclose, disclose, disclose, then tell them that you took that candy bar from the store when you were 5yrs old and feel reeeeeeeealy bad about it... still. They knew about things that were supposed to be expunged and well before I turned 18. These events were also well past the 10yr background check... D@mn we're dumb when we're young.
I made sure to tell them about everything during the interview, that being said I have another good job offer from another company as well but I would rather be at JB. Since I have nothing to hide I guess I will just have to have faith!!!
Per the recent TSA-ruling- all pilot candidates must have completed their background checks prior to commencing employment.

I thought for sure July 13th I would have heard something since another person here at the forum also interviewed on the same date of May 3rd.

Thus the wait continues...........
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