Colgan Air flight 3407

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This was the end of last month, it was part of my pairing.
It was only a short standup but we had some really good conversation going about his family and life and his career path and just the usual friendly banter that goes on up front. Real good guy to talk to and I enjoyed my short time with him.
Quote: This was the end of last month, it was part of my pairing.

It was only a short standup but we had some really good conversation going about his family and life and his career path and just the usual friendly banter that goes on up front. Real good guy to talk to and I enjoyed my short time with him.
Cheers to that!
Goodbye and Godspeed
So I find myself here on the last page of this thread, having to skip most of the posts before me. I find myself consumed by sadness and affected more than I could have ever imagined. I know this is not the way any of the fallen crewmembers would want us to react so I continue...

Although I did not know any of the others that the Colgan family lost late last night, I did know Marvin and would be comfortable calling him a friend. He was a great man, yes- a great pilot, but also a great man. I feel priveledged that I was able to fly with Marvin for close to 200 hours. I was also able to spend time outside of flying with him and it was there that you could see he was a man to look up to. Knowing Marvin for more than a few minutes, it was easy to see his positive demeanor and general kindness for all in his presensence. You would know Marvin was the true definition a family man, one that lived for his wife and girls. He will absolutely be missed along with the other four who perished last night. For all those closely involved, you can agree the crewroom will not be the same. My thoughts and prayers go out to their families, fellow crew and the families of all involved.

And to the few who have offered up a drink, I will join you, and if you knew Marvin you'd know it would have to be Crown. So raise 'em up!
Cheers to that raising one up currently.

To all those in the Colgan family that had to fly today, thank you for continuing to represent the Colgan Air spirit! Today I was simply a wreck ... no condition to fly and luckily didn't have to. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day as I do have to fly. And I will do so to honor those we lost last night. Emptiness and despair are the two words that come to mind ... and even they don't come close to describing the feeling most, if not all, of us have.
Godspeed and Tailwinds to the Crew and passengers of Colgan 3407. Although many of us never had the chance to know you, you will be sincerely missed.
Quote: Cheers to that raising one up currently.

To all those in the Colgan family that had to fly today, thank you for continuing to represent the Colgan Air spirit! Today I was simply a wreck ... no condition to fly and luckily didn't have to. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day as I do have to fly. And I will do so to honor those we lost last night. Emptiness and despair are the two words that come to mind ... and even they don't come close to describing the feeling most, if not all, of us have.
Today was a tough day to fly, but the IAH crews were troopers. Everyone shared their stories of Marvin around the crew room table. Being a commuter, he spent a lot of time in the crew room, and he made it a happier place.

I tear up thinking about his family. It hurts losing Marvin as a co-worker, I can't imagine losing him as a father or husband.

He's now drumming on the yoke in a happier place.
Quote: Today was a tough day to fly, but the IAH crews were troopers. Everyone shared their stories of Marvin around the crew room table. Being a commuter, he spent a lot of time in the crew room, and he made it a happier place.

I tear up thinking about his family. It hurts losing Marvin as a co-worker, I can't imagine losing him as a father or husband.

He's now drumming on the yoke in a happier place.
I wish I could have been there to share in the stories. There are countless stories to be shared and cherished.

Well I am going to try to get some sleep ... key word being try ... gotta work tomorrow morning.

Godspeed to all those involved in 3407 and their families.
I flew the morning shift today in the northeast and all I can say is that it was not easy with the accident still fresh in my mind. I have a 4 year old daughter and couldn't help but think how crushed she would be without me. We must press on and continue to be professionals and never forget that we are all a part of a dangerous business. To my fellow Colgan pilots, I grieve with you.
Prayers go out to the Crew and Passengers.
still makes me sick everytime I turn on the TV
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