Layover van ride etiquette

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If the captain is responsible, according to your FOM, for the crew and their layover transportation...Would he be liable if a non crewmember was allowed to ride and was injured in an accident? I'm sure the van/bus operator and Delta's insurance lawyers would argue that the non-crew was not supposed to be there.
Unbelievable! you people need to get a life. Eight pages of this stuff. Yes, it`s ok to bring your wife. Be a nice guy and ask, tell, whatever El Supremo that she will be riding along. No, Delta isn`t going to be sued if the driver wrecks the van and hurts someone, the hotel is the responsable party. Blane and a couple of others sound like Sac pilots. Put the FOM away and enjoy your job. It`s nice outside...get off the computer and leave it to us retired guys.
Quote: What I am saying is that I AM captain of the hotel van.
Congratulations, captain. A source of pride, I'm sure.

And thanks for the mini-lecture, but since we'll never fly together, I guess you'll have to save it for your next f/o.

We all know who the captain is - I don't have to go around telling this to everyone. When things go wrong, they get fixed either by myself, or my suitable delegate (I assume this would be an erosion of authority in your opinion). Everything doesn't have to be so difficult.

I was simply letting the OP know it would be fine to bring along his wife (or at least I thought it would be before yesterday ). I'm done.
Quote: I do not see that in the FOM.
And look as you may, but you never will see it. Seems we've gone FOM crazy on this thread. Now we're even making up new stuff that doesn't exist.

In fact, the latest version of, "When Scheduling Calls" states the following:

A pilot has no obligation to be available for contact while on layover.
Messages left with hotel personnel or hotel room voicemail do
not constitute contact. A pilot who is contacted while on layover
should consider the effect of interrupted rest and fatigue on his next
scheduled report.

But as previously mentioned, a courtesy call to the captain might be a good idea if you're going to be off the grid for a while.
Quote: If you're on the clock (which includes collecting per diem), they're superior to you in the chain of command. Period.
Does that mean I have to ask the Captain what to eat for dinner and is it ok if I drink a beer????? give me a break
Quote: What I am saying is that I AM captain of the hotel van.
Wow. Your parents must be so proud!
I know I'm hoping to upgrade from apprentice to junior mall cop soon, It's not much of a pay raise, but I'm looking forward to the status of the position.

Quote: If you're on the clock (which includes collecting per diem), they're superior to you in the chain of command. Period.
So are they responsible for posting a watchbill? Do I need to obtain prior permission to punch a grumpy? What if I like to dress up as an admiral and sing show tunes on layover - does that make me guilty of impersonating a superior officer? Or what if I can fly circles around the old boy and have a better command presence, does that make me a superior inferior officer? Does this apply outside as well, or I am only an interior superior inferior officer? Again referring to the showtunes option; if my mode of dress of choice is that of an O-7 or O-8, am I then an posterior interior superior inferior officer?

And what does all of this have to do with if they guy's wife is hot or not? And do we have to work EVERY Wednesday?!?
Quote: Does that mean I have to ask the Captain what to eat for dinner and is it ok if I drink a beer????? give me a break
Yes, and you also have to ask permission to take a dump and borrow his USA Today.
I was under the impression that the van driver was in charge over any Cpt .

Quote: I love how some say "look at the FOM!" But I'm here to tell you for every capt I've flown with who treats the FOM as the stone tablets brought down by Moses each one has deviated from it or some other Delta procedure (e.g. Vol 1) in some form or fashion. And when called on it by me (in a tactful and inquisitive manner, mind you) they came up with a bs reason to justify. So give me a break on the FOM and van procedures.
Exactly! I can't believe how big some ppl's heads have actually become. For those that think if something goes wrong it is only the Captain that answers for it you are very unaware of the real consequences in this world. I hate to draw attention to some ppl's age, but this isn't the 70's or the 80's and we do in fact have CRM now. The guy was obviously respectful and just wants some time with his family and doesn't need the run around about how he needs to ask you before taking a dump! some ppl have serious control issues. If i had a dime for every time the other guy messed up or mis qouted some manual I could probably retire now. We are a team. Just keep it safe and for the sake of everyone lighten up and have a good time before you die.
Quote: Exactly! I can't believe how big some ppl's heads have actually become. For those that think if something goes wrong it is only the Captain that answers for it you are very unaware of the real consequences in this world. I hate to draw attention to some ppl's age, but this isn't the 70's or the 80's and we do in fact have CRM now. The guy was obviously respectful and just wants some time with his family and doesn't need the run around about how he needs to ask you before taking a dump! some ppl have serious control issues. If i had a dime for every time the other guy messed up or mis qouted some manual I could probably retire now. We are a team. Just keep it safe and for the sake of everyone lighten up and have a good time before you die.
Now that is far too logical for this line of work. How dare you interject with such reason!?
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